Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Incidentals and Some Essentials

Monday's meeting was very long and included a one-hour closed session. A lot of incidental issues came out in the wash in the public portion, among them an allegation that the only city employee on the Planning Board received overtime pay for attending the meetings. One nominee to serve on the Recreation Committee will have to choose between serving or getting paid for a city job - he can't do both. The council's attempt to work with the mayor and heed her plea not to disband the Purchasing Division may run afoul of budget law and action to extend funding through June 30 was put off until next month's council meeting.

In addition, a proposed layoff plan will go back to the administration for further modifications.

A presentation on the visioning study deserves a separate post, which will come later. Cory Storch's budget plan, which calls for an overhaul of the current process, is also worthy of its own post.

As always in the recent past, the long meeting wore me out and I have to recuperate before following up on the issues above.


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