Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wednesday's Surprise

Sometime last evening, the city acquired a theme song.

I had checked the web site to see whether the Board of Adjustment meeting was still on for 7 p.m. and found no indication it was canceled, so I set off on foot for City Hall in the rain. As I approached, I saw few cars in the lot and then went up the back steps to find a notice on the door - no meeting.

Later I went on the city web site again and surprise! - a song began playing as soon as it opened.

Having been a reporter, I was curious about the who, what, et cetera and found out some of that by searching the interwebs. But before saying what I found out, I am interested in my blog readers' thoughts on having a city theme song. So ... what do you think?



  1. Yeah, viva la locha,

  2. I discovered the who, what, etc. I think it's great!

  3. Miss Bernice
    Im going off topic but what in the world is that a junk yard across the street from the police station. Old cars military stuff looks like a darn junk yard
