Monday, November 10, 2014

Downtown Sights

My visits to Plainfield's downtown have been limited this year due to my surgery and recovery, so I was curious Sunday afternoon to see what was new.
One new sight was a thrift store in the middle of the block between Park and Watchung. It was clean and brightly lit.
The clothes appeared to be of good quality and a few interested customers were checking the racks.
Other storefronts were for rent. The downtown's largest landlord is Paramount Assets. which several years ago acquired about 45 storefronts formerly owned by the Pittis Estate.
Some stores on the north side of the street closed or are in transition. This one is having a half-price sale on its wares.
The 1980s dream of a downtown filled with high-end shops, as in the city's retailing heyday, is not yet realized. One can buy a hookah or sell old jewelry, but not buy upscale goods right now.
I think this pawn shop is new. While a pawn shop is not specified as a permitted use in the central business district, maybe it would fall under retail use? Not sure.
This window display fascinates me, with its santos and replicas of traditional kitchenware. There was also a child-size black outfit with gold braid trim, maybe for a miniature matador?
Graffiti, especially for gangs, is an urban problem that needs constant attention. In the Queen's Courtyard off Front Street, the walls have been painted over many times, but now there is this mysterious legend. Wolves against foxes???
Dan reported on the advent of "Tasty Cheese" in the old Strand Theater. A few years ago, the owner told me his plan was to open a place where children's parties could be held, similar to Chuck E. Cheese restaurants. I stood on tiptoe to peek in the grill and saw what looked like kiddie amusements. Taped to the grill was an ad for a chef, so we may have to wait to see what will open there.
Meanwhile, the city's Victorian history mingles with patriotism and holiday spirit on this downtown street light.

Do you shop downtown? I must admit to more online shopping and spending money in Westfield. Will new downtown dwellers find it to their liking? Does it need a better mix of offerings?



  1. Thanks to the hispanic community there is a downtown!! Might not be as high end as you want it but I dont see no other ethnic group doing something about it.

  2. Thanks for the update on downtown. I don't get there so much, since the quality of items is so poor the down town is very shabby. To help the shabbiness I hope the city purchased new decorations to hang on the poles. The ones we used over the past four or five years have been so ugly with burned out lights and being dirty, they definitely didn't do anything positive for Plainfield's image.

  3. Would love some different shops - other than dollar stores and hair salons.

    Don't mind the shops as much as how the shop owners do not seem to understand window dressing. I would just walk the town and window shop if it looked better. Then I might duck into a nice restaurant or bar for something to eat or drink. And then who knows what would emerge?

  4. Hey Bernice,

    We met a while back when I was working with PCTV and TAP. Good to see you are still writing. The thrift store I think is a great new addition. The thing I think any downtown in a small town like Plainfield offers is opportunity for entrepreneurship which is a plus. I wish there were more black owned or at least black operated businesses. I feel like that would give us a wider range of restaurants since I've observed more hispanic as the previous comment said.

  5. Bernice, a little late but I also saw the Christmas, rather Holiday decorations along side the summer July 4th banners. They are sure to be destroyed over the winter, but that seems to be how things go in the Queen City. Post a picture if you are ever able to make it out once the snow starts. Thanks for be you.

