Thursday, October 1, 2015

Commenter Wants Campbells in the Soup

To the persistent commenter who warns people to watch out for the Campbells, your message might have been more relevant five years ago, when for whatever reason voters gave the Grand Slam team a landslide victory. Or maybe in 2004, when Wilma Campbell won her first term. She is now serving her fourth term, courtesy of Plainfield voters.

I do not endorse candidates. I try to encourage voters to go to the polls and make their own decisions, but as demonstrated on the link above, it is a fact that the Campbells know how to get out the vote.

The antidote is for opponents to outdo them not just by fielding candidates, but by running informative and compelling campaigns and making sure every potential voter is identified and convinced to get to the polls to cast a vote for your person (or slate).

As for the anonymous commenter's allegation,  "Mr Campbell has been controlling that school board since his wife was elected. Mrs Campbell rallied to get rid of Steve Gallon because she nor Mr. Campbell could control him," wasn't there the little matter of an arrest? I believe it was higher powers than the Campbells who convinced Mr. Gallon to depart.

The commenter also advises people to ask past Campbell-backed candidates about being on the board with Mrs. Campbell for "the past 12 years." Candidates who agree to run on a slate backed by a politician can hardly complain if they get rejected later. Why do you think politicians are called bosses? It is harder to run as an individual, but at least you are in charge of your own fate.

Except for state oversight and the watchful eyes of PEA members, the school board by and large escapes notice. Meeting dates and agendas are posted online for the public, but reporters are no longer assigned routinely to meetings and I personally cannot handle BOE coverage in addition to municipal and land use board meetings.Still, anyone can attend and draw their own conclusions.

So even though the commenter submitted basically the same message three times, I am not posting it. If you thought the buzzing of cicadas was annoying this summer, it is nothing compared to the pre-election racket of axes being ground. So grind away, anonymous ones, just don't count on your comments being posted on the blog.



  1. Bernice, I don't think it's about candidates being rejected as much as its about candidates not wanting to be a part of the nonsense. The last two members decided to quit on their own. It wasn't about rejection.

  2. it at least lets us say that in plainfield we know all to well the 2 party system stinks because the democrats screw up our government and republicans screw up our schools

  3. School board elections are non partisan. The republican party does not fund school board elections. However this is the first time in a number of years that Democratic Party Chairman, Jerry Green, has not fielded a slate of candidates and run the campaign out of the Democratic Headquarters with democratic funding. Irresponsible commenters, your comments will have more credibility if you stick to facts and at least have some understanding of the process.

    1. I have a sneaking suspicion that Dem Party Chairman, Jerry Green didn’t run a slate because he’s surreptitiously backing the Campbell slate. This is in support of baby John knocking off Cory Storch in the ward 2 council race. It’s undoubtedly a joint effort by the Green and Campbell team to weaken Mayor Mapp. Don’t be so naive to think this isn’t about politics.

    2. John and wilma are republicans that can't be disputed. John jr is a registered republican and ran as a republican 2 years ago against jerry

      Therefore the republicans control the school board you can't dispute this it's a fact

  4. Weaken Mayor Mspp WOW that is exactly what Mayor Mapp did to win the democratic committee. That is what he get for getting in the bed with the Campbell's. The Campbell's are politicians if you don't like it that's your problem.

  5. @ 6:44 pm I don't know why Ms Edwards resigned but I do know Ms Hendricks (now Hall) resigned because she for marries and relocated to South Jersey. The real question is not why they resigned but how they were replaced. I attend BOE meetings, I ask questions. Do I get answers? Mostly not. Ms Hall resigned Friday, the following Tuesday Mrs Campbell made a motion and her husband is a new member of the board. This is against state and local policy for filling a board vacancy. I also let Mrs Campbell know voting for her husband is a conflict of interest. I filed a complaint with the state ethics commission. Unfortunately, by the time the state moved in it Ms Edwards resigned and they used the same tatic to put Richard Wyatt on. They now have a policy (mandated by the state) on nepotism. A little too late to close the fence after the horses are out but never the less this will stop them from possibly putting John Jr. on if there us another another vacancy.
    Understand this the BOE us like 9 children with no parents. No one us watchung them, no one comes to the meetings so they do as they used please. I still can't get an answer as to why they hires Dan Williamson as a HR consultant for 35k. With a HR department why do they need him or a consultant at all. AND how is he Director of PMUA and a consultant for the BOE at the same time???

    1. Dan W. is not the PMUA director. His three-year contract ran out this year and was not renewed.

  6. Thanks Bernice. How many positions has he held in the city? He can't get a job on his own without political favors? What does that say for his qualifications

  7. What the Campbells are obviously getting is some "Green" vegetables in their soup. Strange that the Union County Democratic chair isn't saying or doing anything for the Democrats in Plainfield--perhaps because he doesn't control them any more?

    1. He now controls the top republicans.

  8. Green does not control the TOP or BOTTOM Republician in Plainfield .

    1. Yea I would say the Campbells are some where around the middle.
