Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ken Robertson Steps Down from Planning Board

Planning Board member Ken Robertson is resigning after 30 years' service.

In a resignation letter to Mayor Adrian O. Mapp, Robertson detailed work done during his tenure:

"It has been my privilege to serve the people of Plainfield in this capacity for 30 years. During this time, the board prepared the first new municipal master plan in more then 30 years and conducted several master plan re-examinations, wrote a new zoning ordinance from scratch, drafted annual capital improvement programs and capital budgets, prepared numerous redevelopment plans, re-zoned the city for transit oriented development, and more.

"This work was only possible because of the support of a talented and hardworking staff and the good sense of citizen board members whose dedication has been an inspiration to me. They have given and continue to give unselfishly of their time and resources."

He was chairman for 16 of those 30 years and as a frequent attendee at Planning Board meetings, I can attest to his constant push to get the work done.

Robertson said he will miss the camaraderie of the board "and the challenge of getting every application perfect," but said he leaves knowing the board is in good hands "with a seasoned chair in Ron Scott Bey" and a group of "smart and dedicated members."

His resignation is effective as of April 30. A resolution of appreciation for his service is expected at the May 9 City Council meeting.


  1. Hi Bernice,

    Thank you for publicizing Ken Robertson resignation from the Planning Board. I want to thank Mr. Roberson for his extraordinary service to our city. The dedicated work the Planning Board members do on behalf of the citizens of Plainfield is remarkable. First they must learn the Master Plan and the regulations and statutes pertaining to permissible land use in the city. Next they must study the details of each and every development application so ensure that every aspect of a development plan is in compliance city regulations. As citizens we owe the board great debt of gratitude for ensuring our cit is developed properly.

    Thank you again Mr. Robertson for your service.


    Tom Kaercher

  2. Congratulations and thank you Ken for many years of service. Board membership is not easy and often thankless. However, it is rewarding, when you have helped make a better Plainfield. As you have. Thank you.

    D. Scott Belin
