Saturday, July 17, 2010

Important Issues on Monday's Agenda

In her blog post today, City Council President Annie McWilliams explains several items on Monday's agenda and their significance for the city's future fiscal health. Click here to read her post.

Over the past five years, Plaintalker has traced some of the steps that led up to the current situation - Administration & Finance duties being handed off seven times in the mayor's first term, no permanent CFO since the end of 2007, a pattern of adding food to all public events, an increasing disdain for the governing body's calls for austerity.

Monday's meeting is shaping up as a watershed moment for governance as intended by the city's charter and code and by state law, or conversely a city run on whims and indulgence. Never mind the apologias from the city's attorney and its top executive, the administration is looking more and more like a train wreck. All the governing body seeks, it seems, is for it to be put back on the rails.

Monday's meeting is 8 p.m. in Municipal Court, 325 Watchung Ave.



  1. Right on target Bernice ! Kudos.

  2. Add to that ... outside consultants, construction companies and lawyers are ALL from out of town, I doubt one worker among them all lives in the City. Bob Ferraro and others made sure United National bank had its feet held to the fire to hire Plainfield residents, and to its credit did so !! Can we not ask the same for the $$ we are spending now ?

  3. pat turner kavanaughJuly 17, 2010 at 1:08 PM

    Pat said:
    wow, Bernice, I subscribe to three newspapers on news print, and read the local blogs every day. I've never seen you so riled up. Good job

  4. Hey want to save money....
    Get ride of Dave Wynn. What a looser!
