Friday, August 26, 2011

Generators Can Be Hazardous

If the potential for power loss from Hurricane Irene comes true, one house on Block 832 may have an advantage - or maybe not.

Someone in this two-family dwelling on Park Avenue has been using a generator every night, and lately during the day as well. Not only is it noisy as heck, my neighbor and I have worried about its excessive use, as these generators have their limitations and hazards. We would not like to see some of our neighbors in harm's way through improper use of a portable generator.

Here is a 2004 FEMA advisory on generator use addressed to people more often impacted by hurricanes than us Jerseyans. The article states specifically that generators are not to be used in rain (as in downpours from hurricanes) nor should they be used indoors.

We can only speculate why a household needs to use a generator every single night. Maybe they are on the outs with the electricity supplier over back bills. Maybe they can't get hooked up for some reason. Whatever the reason, we hope they know the pitfalls of such usage.

And we hope all those who just bought portable generators to weather Hurricane Irene will read the information that comes with the device. Why add another hazard to what looks like a very dodgy weekend for those of us in the hurricane's path?


1 comment:

  1. I would suggest you call in a noise complaint...but since we live in Plainfield...
    Maybe you should report an uneven sidewalk in front of the residence, someone will respond to that rather fast!
