Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Million Hoodies March" Saturday

Spotted this sign while on a walk Sunday (click to enlarge).



  1. Good try, 7:07 a.m. Anonymous aka Davy Morales aka Plainfield Peace Coalition. I told you I am not printing your comments. I can tell it is you by the way you use ellipses.

  2. aka Davy Morales is or should I was a no show on one of the Plainfield commissions. Looser

  3. Dear Bernice

    In response to your unwillingness to allow PPC to comment on your blog. I do believe is a violation of free speech and alot of what has been stated is the truth...I may not like what they has to say but I do admire truth regardless of where and who it comes from
    Please reach out to PPC...Remember they are the Plaiunfield Peace Coalition

    1. You can think whatever you want. I have the sole discretion to publish or not publish comments.
      P.S. I can tell it is you, PPC, because you leave certain clues in your comments
