Thursday, September 20, 2012

Summer's Almost Gone

Our garden mascots are reminding us that the season is winding down, or as The Doors would say, "Summer's Almost Gone."
The Butterfly Bush has been one of their favorite haunts. We have been taking note of the females' swollen, egg-laden abdomens. The males are much smaller and may not make it through the mating process without losing their heads (literally).
These creatures have their own take on "eat, pray, love." They like to eat bugs that are still alive and kicking. Then they hold their formidable forelegs together as if in prayer. But as J. Geils notes, "Love Stinks"
sometimes, as the male praying mantis finds out when being devoured by the female.
Here's a reminder from the Luna Press calendar. To all who commented on my Facebook photo from an Autumn Equinox long ago, thanks for your interest. It was fun in those days to put on a gauzy gown and a wreath of flowers and go barefoot to mark the turning of the seasons!


1 comment:

  1. Once the summer is gone, we may get lucky with some Indian Summer :
