Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fleet Manager Title, Salary Nixed

Two ordinances creating the position and salary for a manager of all city vehicles were rejected Monday despite initial passage just two weeks earlier.

The two measures passed on first reading at a special meeting on Jan. 26 and were up for second reading and final passage Monday. But in an agenda-fixing session preceding the regular meeting, a majority on the governing body declined to move the two ordinances to the agenda.

The agenda-fixing session was to have taken place on Feb. 2, but was rescheduled due to bad weather.

On Monday, Vera Greaves, Cory Storch, Gloria Taylor, Diane Toliver and Council President Bridget Rivers said "no" to putting the ordinances on the agenda, while Rebecca Williams said "yes" and Tracey Brown abstained. At the special meeting on Jan. 26, Taylor, Toliver, Williams and Brown had voted "yes" to pass the ordinance creating the position, while Storch and Rivers voted "no." Greaves was absent. See Plaintalker's coverage here

As for the accompanying salary ordinance, it initially failed on Jan. 26, with Rivers opposed; Taylor, Williams and Brown saying "yes" and Storch and Toliver abstaining. Once it was explained that the new position and salary went together, Toliver changed her abstention to a "yes" vote.

Storch had voiced several reservations on Jan. 26 and requested more information from the administration.
He indicated he would be in favor on second reading if his questions were answered.

The job and title were first brought up in January at the Jan. 12 agenda-fixing session. Resident Kim Montford asked in public comment whether someone was being considered for the job and if so, who it was. City Administrator Rick Smiley said the job would be posted.

The council members had several questions Jan. 12 about the need to create the position, but they became moot when there was no consensus to put the ordinances on the Jan. 20 agenda. Why the council then favored the measures at the Jan. 26 special meeting but dropped them again on Monday remains a mystery.



  1. petty childish bickering ?
    pathetic party political antics?
    bitter nastiness ?
    -- ALL OF THE ABOVE ...

  2. save money don't need it

    1. You don't get it. Do the math at how much money is being spent because of lack of economies of scale.

  3. This title is a very good idea. The responsibility for all vehicle maintenance should lie with a single title and a single person. Why should a highly paid LT in the police department be strapped with this work. Would his talents not be better utilized on the streets fighting crime. As for the comment that a secretary do the work please give me a break!
