Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lalo and the Lowdown

So here commenter Lalo is fretting about who might be running for office in 2016 and I couldn’t even remember who is running locally in November 2015 – I had to look it up.

Lalo thinks something is up because a certain person, a relative newcomer to the city, received an award and has appeared before the public on other occasions lately. When the filing date for 2016 elections will not happen until late March or early April next year, could Lalo be overthinking?

Let’s see – the local races go like this: Ward 1 plus the Second & Third Ward at-large seat; Ward 2 plus the First & Fourth Ward seat; Ward 3 and the Citywide at-large seat; Ward 4 and Mayor. So if the primary in June was for Ward 2 and the 1&4, Lalo must be concerned about the Ward 3 and Citywide at-large races next year.

Well, guess what? Candidates nowadays do try early for name recognition, so maybe Lalo is on to something. Imagine those calendar pages flying away like they do in a Forties B-movie and after seven or eight are gone with the wind, we’ll see if Lalo got it right about the Third Ward.

Hey Lalo, got any hunches about the Citywide at-large?

Getting back to November 3, 2015, I saw on the Union County Clerk’s list that for the Second Ward it will be Democratic primary winner Cory Storch against Independent John Campbell in the Second Ward race and fellow Democratic winner Barry Goode against Independent Norman E. Ortega in the First & Fourth Ward at-large contest. No Republicans filed for the City Council.

The school board list has four candidates vying for three seats and one is also a Campbell, namely John C., the daddy of John the council candidate.  Talk about name recognition. Then you have Jackie Coley, Richard Wyatt and Emily Morgan.

If Lalo or anyone else wants to learn about electioneering, a good way is to volunteer for a campaign and see what goes into it. There is a lot more to it than earning name recognition. It takes money and time to wage a campaign and then after all the publicity and attempts to impress voters, there are no guarantees of winning. Opponents may play dirty tricks and test your faith in humanity. And say you do win - the prize is several years' worth of sometimes tedious meetings and endless service to your constituents.

Meanwhile, Lalo, by your provocative questioning of this person's qualifications and motives you are actually amplifying his exposure to the public. LOL, Lalo!


  1. I don't see what is so funny about asking about a public figure's qualifications, or the motives behind any official actions that go on in this city. We are not sheep, as much as our politicians may wish we were.

    1. Well said Alan!

      I think the issue is that Plainfield has suffered for so long and now that this administration is an improvement over the last, we should just be grateful. Somewhat of a sad situation.

      Keep asking questions people and demand transparency.

    2. Alan, If we are not sheep, how did Gloria Taylor, Vera Greaves, Diane Toliver and Bill Reid get on the council?

    3. Keep your racist comments in your sick head.

  2. Catchy Headline Bernice! Thanks so much for bringing forth an unexpected chuckle this morning.

    I look forward to reading your posts on a daily basis and I know that you are an impartial writer who throws in an occasional zinger, so I'm not sure if this post is a creative filler segue for a quiet summer weekend or a back-handed attempt to discredit my comments. Regardless, I'm flattered and will continue to stay tuned to what you have to say.

    You may have misread or misunderstood my comments regarding Thursday night's service awards. I questioned the process/criteria for selection and the premature nature of award given to one of the recipients. The puzzle came together once another commenter eluded to the recipient as a possible candidate for 2016 Ward 3. Knowing what I do of the relationships surrounding the Mayor, his aid and the recipient, it all made perfect sense as to why recipient has been at the forefront of so many community activities as of late.

    My only concern for 2016 Ward 3 election is that whoever is selected will tip the balance on the Council and allow us to rid ourselves of its current representative.

    The repeated concern in my comments addressed complacency of the community with any administration solely based on the fact that they appear/are "better" than the one before. Question, challenge and test at all times.

    As for electioneering, having been involved with local government from an early age, I'm quite familiar with the process, work and efforts that are made to get a candidate elected. I've made the phone calls, gathered signatures, accompanied candidates door-to-door, fund raised and much more. Regretfully, the non-sense in Plainfield is so ridiculous that it has prompted me to withdraw from all aspects of organized efforts and participation. I do what I can from the sidelines, hoping it will make a difference.

    As for my provocative questioning drawing attention to the aforementioned recipient -- well, you have just done the same for my concerns by featuring Lalo on your blog today. LOL, Bernice!

    Thanks Bernice!

  3. I like the name. Lay Low. Lol
