Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Action at Park & Ninth

Instant workplace! Notifications sans the glass case.

Ready for the challenge! Maybe there will soon be "lights to the peninsula."

The staging area in Municipal Lot 7, equipment and materials for the job.

To see a somewhat dated notification from Union County, click here.

For those who missed the beginning of this saga, click here to learn more.



  1. Bernice, this came about insptie of no action from the Council. Thanks to Maria. Also check out this response to Dan Damon's spat of Alhimers he had when he forgot all the money he raked in getting money from PMUA and others. Check it out:

  2. 9:30 AM, if you are going to insult, at least learn to spell. It's Alzheimer's. Or did you forget?

  3. Someone help me: what office is Dan Damon running for?

  4. Is that gonna be a drive up window to get a gun while in Plainfield
