Intrigue lovers in the audience were licking their chops over the juicy revelations, but there was more. Council President Bridget Rivers asked whether the $1.1 million UCIA settlement, approved by the council last month but needing the mayor's signature, had been signed. Upon hearing it had not, Rivers ordered Corporation Counsel David Minchello to sign it "by noon tomorrow."
On the Rodeo
The resolution for the controversial proposed rodeo on Sept. 29 was a new item and needed to be moved to the agenda, but because there was no second, it was simply not added and approval was moot.
In public comment later, rodeo promoter Jeffrey Maree said, " I don't even know what happened before."
Speakers earlier in the meeting had condemned the plan to use an asphalt parking lot for the rodeo, but Maree said sand would be brought in to cover it. He pitched it as a cultural event, though members of the public including Dr. Harold Yood called it a commercial event.
"We need to set clear guidelines as to events in our town," resident and Republican mayoral candidate Sandy Spector said.
On Muhlenberg
In public comment at the end of the meeting, Rev. Gerald Lamont Thomas spoke about working for the last 14 months with JFK Health Systems "to keep a hospital presence as well as developing the land."
The Edison hospital maintains a satellite emergency room on the campus where Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center closed five years ago. It has also presented a proposal to redevelop the campus with 600 luxury rental condos.
Thomas said there will be a "great impact" if JFK leaves and asked whether the council had received a letter that he wanted to be read at the meeting. Councilwoman Rebecca Williams said she received an email that described the same 600-condo development proposal the council rejected.
Thomas warned that if the development proposal was not accepted, JFK would leave. Minchello intervened, advising the council not to "engage in a back-and-forth" with Thomas. Councilwoman Tracey Brown, who is pastor of Ruth Fellowship Ministries, urged the council to pay attention to the letter.
Adam Beder, vice president for government affairs with JFK Health Systems, was in the audience but declined immediate comment to Plaintalker, offering to accept a call Tuesday.
On the Gang Workshop
The issue of mayoral spending arose when former Councilwoman Joanne Hollis spoke about an Aug. 24 event sponsored by Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs, which displaced another event planned and publicized for the same day by Rivers and Councilwoman Vera Greaves at Hannah Atkins Playground. Rivers referred to bills for "gang awareness" activities that were paid with Community Development Block Grant funds and called for an explanation from the administration.
City Administrator Eric Berry said he was away at the time and tried to call on Finance Director Al Restaino to explain, but Restaino had left the meeting. Rivers ordered Berry to reach Restaino by phone and have him return to the meeting.
When Restaino came back, he said he was not involved in the planning for the event, just in applying for "potential funding." The event had two components, a basketball game and an anti-gang program. He said the funding application had been submitted to Union County and he was "awaiting final approval."
If so, Williams asked, where did the funds come from for Aug. 24? Restaino said they came from a fund for "CDBG-eligible projects." Rivers asked what budget line item the money came from and Restaino said he didn't know specifically but thought it was the Recreation Division line.
After more discussion of the CDBG process, the questions turned to how purchase orders got signed just hours before the event.Williams said the transaction seemed "really unethical" and resembled a "bait and switch." She said it would have made more sense to reschedule the event so the paperwork could be "properly vetted."
Councilman Adrian Mapp said the governing body had only some illegible documents and asked for copies of checks and names of vendors. Brown agreed, saying before any accusations "we need at least documents we can read."
Copies obtained by Plaintalker were barely legible, but on close examination revealed payment of $4,000 to "The Soul of Dawn" for basketball games and a gang workshop, paid by check No. 12556 and signed by "S. Rob B, Acting CA." on Aug. 23.

"S Rob B" on purchase order for WBLS 2010 Town Meeting
The abbreviation echoes one from a 2010 purchase order that led to a council investigation in 2011. The mayor signed as a department head. On the Aug. 23 purchase order, she signed as acting city administrator.
In the current situation, there was also a purchase order signed the same way for 140 T-shirts with the city seal, with payment by check 12553 for $1,120 to Jesus Embroidery, dated Aug. 23.
On both purchase orders, the "Ship to" address is the Division of Community Development at 510 Watchung Avenue. Restaino is the head of the division, a title he held before being named finance director and which he continues to hold, even though it is in a different city department.
Having lost the June primary and therefore her bid for a third term, the mayor is a "lame duck" who will leave office on Dec. 31. The expenditures and circumstances of the Aug. 24 event are likely to draw attention similar to that of the WBLS investigation, which ended in a reprimand from the governing body.
someone start boiling the water... time to get the wet noodle ready to beat the Mayor .. tell her to put her hand out for the most righteous of slaps .. 2nd verse same as the first.. So, I'm guessing Bill Reid, Vera Greaves, Tracy Brown and Bridget Rivers can see what happens when you side with the scorpion.. you get stung. She's done it again because you 4 told her it's ok...
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS, the 4 of you actually finally accomplished something.
So Muhlenburg holds Plainfield hostage - either put up more housing which will end up with either Section 8 housing or the deterioration of the neighborhood, because the homes will stand empty, or lose a desperately needed medical service.
ReplyDeleteGreat choices - where are our leaders on this issue? Where is Jerry, Linda Stender, Linda Carter, Nick Scutari, Rush Holt? Where are they? They can certainly find Plainfield when they need or votes, but seem to lose their way when we need powerful voices.
Plainfield is an urban city that needs a hospital - however, barring that, we need the emergency room. What major urban city does not have at least an emergency room? Can anyone name one? Paterson - Passaic - Newark - Elizabeth-Camden - do any of these cities NOT have some sort of medical service for their residents?
Is Muhlenburg even paying their fair share in taxes?
Here we go again - Plainfield is the garbage city - and we get garbage.
Dottie, what can we do? I know you have been leading an opposition, but it is time for you to really start organizing!!!!
I wish I had been able to go to the Council meeting, but other things got in the way. I have been battling a rare form of cancer for the past several years and have little energy, especially since Joe died in December. If you are serious, please email me personally at and let's see what we can do. I CAN'T DO IT ALONE!
DeleteTo Anonymous 8:38 AM, are you sure Dottie is working to keep them from putting up a 600 unit apartment complex? JFK Hospital is never coming back to Plainfield, we need to accept that and think of alternatives to our medical needs. Dottie’s long term relationship and dedication to Jerry Green makes me question her motives. Don’t count on her being serious about any opposition to Jerry Greens plans for that property. If you truly care about the future of Plainfield and the Muhlenberg site, VOTE WISLEY AND NOT JUST THE DEMOCRATED LINE. It is truly ok to pick and choice our representatives from either party line.
DeleteLet JFK leave. The city has more power than they think:
ReplyDelete1. JFK leaves
2. City hits JFK with multiple code violations, does inspections, assesses fines
3. If JFK doesn't respond, the city condemns the property
4. City puts up property for RFP for medical development
I believe some viable medical use can go in the campus.
For the city, 600 apartments would be a disaster. We don't need more apartments and non-owners in the city. We need development that involves jobs to replace the 1000 jobs we lost at Muhlenberg's closure.
Do we know that there are multiple code violations? If there are this process would take some years to complete and there can be steps in between -- tax lien sale for the fines not paid -- redeemable within 18 months. Then the foreclosure process can proceed by the party who paid up through the tax lien sale -- not necessarily the city...
ReplyDeleteIf Solaris shuts down the emergency room, then let them, we will adjust and do whatever we need to do to seek medical attention. Take a look around, more and more private mini emergency medical facilities are opening every day and the more they see the need for this type of services, someone will be there to fill the need. It’s a business just like the Muhlenberg emergency room is a business. My question is, why is Muhlenberg engaging Plainfield’s clergy? Let’s take a close look at how that came to be, Now we know Jerry Green is not the brightest star in the galaxy, but he certainly can fit the bill for being the most conniving. His relationship with Tracy Brown and getting her in the city council was not because he thought she was the most qualified person for the job but, because Green knew he would need her strong presence in the church community and her ability to influence some of her peers to jump on the Green/Muhlenberg 600 unit bandwagon. I am totally convinced this is why Jerry Green will stop at nothing to get re-elected, I believe his retirement fund will be hinging on the Muhlenberg project getting the approval it needs? Anytime you have a clergy, that doesn’t live in Plainfield, his church is in foreclosure holding meetings in their church with Muhlenberg pitching their plan for 600 units, you have to ask yourself, what is really going on here. JFK could care less about providing adequate emergency medical care to Plainfield residence, what they and Jerry Green and a few other politically connected puppets care about is lining their pockets with gratitude checks from Muhlenberg if their proposal of 600 units is approved.
ReplyDeleteKnow this Adam Beader , Jerry Green and the rest of you sell-outs, we do not want a 600 unit PROJECT in our single family, low density residential neighborhood and will fight you every step of the way.
Muhlenberg site will be the New Elmwood Gardens hahahah I'm glad to be moving
ReplyDelete600 hundred housing apartments
Summit Medical Group is a great example of a successful medical mall. JFK could turn Muhlenberg into a successful medical mall that would create new jobs and give this city and the neighboring communities the medical services we need. The Mayors Front St Condos are still half empty and has turned into a rental property not home ownership. Greedy JFK wants to build 600 Apts, then leave Plainfield with all the money,and 600 Section 8 rental units that will destroy the neighborhood, and lower the property value of all of Plainfield. JFK will then take all the profit from the development and spend the money on JFK located in Middlesex county.
ReplyDeleteLet's have George Zimmerman run for mayor or safety director in Plainfield. The city will be 100% safer.
ReplyDeleteJerry Green has a hand in all of this and there's, now, at least 5 people on the Council that are beholden to him -- THAT'S BAD NEWS FOR EVERYONE IN PLAINFIELD!
ReplyDeleteYou don't get a billboard with your picture on it for free and you don't get support from Green without having to concede to his petty political games. It's often speculated that he steers votes on the Council - you decide.
Green is one of the main reasons Plainfield has severely declined over the past couple of decades. He has turned his back on the people of the City he alleges to help and kept them right where he needs them, down and out and dependent on him.
Perhaps he can explain why Plainfield sits at the bottom of NJ municipalities when it comes to quality of life issues, education and safety, while our neighbors all around us move ahead.
How helpful has it been to have:
- one of the worst crime rates in the state
- one of the worst public school systems in the state
- the closing of a major medical facility and loss of hundreds of jobs
- drastic decrease in property values
- the loss of business and industry
- consistent negative publicity
- a deteriorating central business district
- and the list goes on …
Green has had more than 20 years to improve Plainfield but, his self interest and self aggrandizement has been the focus of his time and energy in Trenton, not Plainfield. He's been making sure he surges to the top while he lets Plainfield sink to the bottom.
It's all George Bush's, Chris Christie's and the Republicans fault... Jerry's a victim..and you're a bad person for saying Jerry is bad.
Delete( There, now Jerry doesn't need to respond )
Thanks for the levity Rob.
DeleteOf course I know Green will deflect comments by placing blame on external forces -- it's part of his skillset.
The fact of the matter is that the people of Plainfield are smart, know better and, in most cases, they know exactly what Green is all about. Like a good socialist/communist dictator he's evolved into the same type of oppresor he accuses others of being. He has gained in wealth and power at the expense of his followers, who he entices by providing with "goodies" (i.e. jobs) to keep them in his corner. He certainly isn't book smart, but he is street smart. He has hurt the people of Plainfield for too long.
We need to gain more trust in our neighbors and fellow citizens and understand that most of us want to help each other. Let's stop with the cynicism that often pervades our community, for whatever reason. Wave to the car driving down your street; say "hello" to the person jogging past your your house; stop and talk to your neighbor - we are in control of our own destiny and we have the power to make and create change, in our lives, in our homes, in our community.
We need to unite and select a leader that will move our City forward and upward.
I will be blogging on this as well, but I must say that it is not surprising. The mayor has no conception of honesty or ethics, and this is yet another prime example. How is it that she can bait and switch a rushed event that SHE called a "Family Fun Day" into a so-called anti-gang event that she doesn't even attend? Who, then, was running this city-sponsored event that the council was not even made aware of? The idea of a "conditional approval" of funds--funds which were taken from another budget line for the mayor's "purposes" bears close scrutiny. The new prosecutor should be looking into this and other illegal and unethical activities, and the freeholders should certainly be made aware that the mayor is once again MISUSING funds for her own self-aggrandizement, once the name of "the children." Unconscionable.
Rebecca, with the exception of the first comment all others were about Muhlenberg and Jerry Green. Sharon is history and we need to keep the focus on the big picture, while you’re worried about pennies, Jerry Green is trying to capitalize millions off the Muhlenberg deal.
DeleteOne Democrat team – what a joke, just take a look around, where has voting democrat all these years gotten Plainfield? ALL OF YOU DEMS OLD AND NEW NEED TO BE VOTED OUT!!
To Anonymous at 10:14 am,
DeleteI am trying to understand your logic in your comment. Bernice's post focused on a number of issues--the mayor's misuse of funds among them. Are you saying that I am wrong for responding to one of the issues she wrote about? Are you saying that because other comments (some of which were posted AFTER mine) responded to the hospital issue, the issue of misspent funds is not important? Are you saying that I am wrong for being concerned with CDBG funds being mispurposed for the mayor's pet projects that she makes up? For taking money out of another budget line to pay for her projects before they have been approved by the county? If you think that grant money and taxpayer money can be viewed as "pennies," then you are different from me. It is my fiduciary responsibility to watch the municipal budget.
Further, if you heard the commentary I made at Monday's city council meeting about this latest JFK scheme regarding Muhlenberg, you would know that I am deeply concerned about JFK bringing back the exact same proposal which the community rejected two years ago--which is what I stated at the meeting. So, please at least get your facts right. I am able to hold more than two ideas in my head at the same time. I can be focused on how the mayor continues to misspend city funds as well as grant funds through a bait and switch, and also remain focused on what JFK is attempting to do in terms of holding a threat to close our emergency room over our heads if we do not accept their 600+ residential apartments proposal. I am focused on much more as well.
You never responded to how corrupt Jerry Green is and how the democrats have let down Plainfield for year after year after year. You didn't even address these thoughts which were a large part of the post that preceded yours. I'll assume you agree, but you just can't say so because that's your boss. IS Jerry Green trying to make money off the hospital? Answer honestly.
DeleteI am surprised that the Revs Thomas and Brown are supporting this. Aren't they supposed to be championing causes for those less fortunate? Plainfield has a large community who don't have cars, and maybe cannot afford to wait for a cab, or the EMS (which can take precious time) to get them to a hospital.
ReplyDeleteI would think the church community would be squarely against taking medical services out of Plainfield, and quite the contrary, would dig in their heels to demand there is medical assistance to those less fortunate.
I agree the MAYOR dipping her hand in the cookie jar when ever she pleases is old news and it should be broadcast every single time she does. Now is there any way the council can freeze her unauthorized spending and crack the whip on these department heads so she can't bully them
ReplyDeleteIt's worth pointing out that getting rid of SRB is the first part of cleaning up shop around here. JG should be next on the list. The only thing good about his newly appointed position at the County level is that he will have more exposure and subject to greater scrutiny, hopefully; with any luck he'll be joining DeFillipo wherever it is she's gone to - somewhere far far away.
ReplyDeleteLuxury condos in Plainfield always ends up more affordable housing of which there is already plenty. We should only be proposing luxury condos when we have attracted the financial diversity to the city that warrants such living space. Remember the ones downtown, they were presented in the same way, "luxury condos." How many times are we going to fall for that?
ReplyDeleteAs far as a letter Rev Thomas wanted to make everyone aware of, he should know that him, Rev Kirkwood or Rev Brown, none of them speak for me or the many homeowners I engaged in the community. I do not recognize them as leaders of my community just becasue they have a church. Why would we consider them learder of the community and not what they turly are, leaders of their church. I've never heard any of them speak out in a community forum on gang violence, unemployment, homelessness et al., in the city of Plainfield. Why now are they speaking up without engaging all stakeholders in Plainfield. We will not be swayed by their position or influence. NO MEANS NO to a 600, 500, 400, 300 UNIT PROJECT!