Monday, December 9, 2013

Wishing for a Watchdog

The late Councilman Robert Ferraro liked being called a "watchdog" and was always on the alert for proper use of the taxpayers' money. One of the things he found fault with was a road repair project several years ago that included handicapped ramps. He pointed out that the ramps and the road were not aligned correctly and so anyone using them in bad weather would encounter puddles or ice at the bottom of the ramps.

As someone who crosses Park & Seventh almost every day and sometimes more than once a day, I have often had to pick my way around deep puddles and slippery ice often at the corners.

Now Union County has a new project to repair the street and of course there are new ramps. I wish Bob was still cruising around in his blue van to check up on this project and to make sure the grading will be an improvement over the last time the ramps were done.
The workers who did the paving patched the edges with asphalt. I am looking forward to a nice, smooth Park Avenue soon, with no puddles at the corners.



  1. all those ramps being completed and something as simple as crosswalks being painted seem to be an insurmountable task... I mean I'm not even talking about enforcing what crosswalks there are, but go ahead and start crossing Central Avenue .. many many many intersections with no crosswalks and the worst being Central and West Front with no crosswalk signals..

  2. I miss Bob. I worked with him to get rid of our horrible BOE in the 80s and 90s. It's a shame that the BOE is still horrible.

  3. Attention All People of Earth:

    No matter who has the Official Right-Of-Way to cross a street at a corner or light, if the vehicle driver makes a mistake and hits you, 99% of the time you will get the worse end of the deal. Sure you may sue, yell & tell Mommy, but splattered on the pavement is a tough price to pay for that shallow victory.

    1. I don't cross until all the non-signal and signal turners and speeders are gone, which means sometimes I wait through a whole light without crossing and have to hope the next one has better or nicer drivers so I can get across.

  4. Bernice, off topic but it is in the picture. Why has the City allowed the blue building the sit fallow for years. Who owns it and why is nothing being done with it? Where is code enforcement? It sits empty except for the prostitutes going in and out the side door along 7th.
