Terms of Councilwomen Tracey Brown and Gloria Taylor end on Dec. 31, but the meeting is the last regular one for 2016. The resolutions were not available in advance, but custom calls for such resolutions to be read aloud at the meeting.

Councilwoman Tracey Brown holds the Citywide at-large seat. She previously served on the Board of Education and the PMUA. She is the founder and pastor of Ruth Fellowship Ministries.

Councilwoman Gloria Taylor is the widow of the late Mayor Richard L. Taylor and represents the Third Ward. She is a retired educator.
Thanks to both for their service!
In January, Rebecca Williams will become the Citywide at-large council representative and Charles McRae will become the Third Ward representative, both for four-year terms. Both won in the June primary. Williams was unopposed in the general election and McRae overcame a challenge from former Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs, who ran as an independent.
The Democratic City Committee will offer the council three names and the council must choose one to replace Williams in the Second & Third Ward at-large seat until the next general election. The winner in November will serve the balance of her term until the end of 2018.
See the full agenda here
What a Trumpian farce honoring Taylor "for dedicated service". Her attendance record at Council meetings and her responsible Planning Board assignment has been deplorable at best.Yes we can celebrate her leaving a paid public position. Tracy Brown does deserve honoring because she did attempt to fulfill her responsibillities.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't see your anonymous comment here attacking the honorees, it's because I am not posting it.