Saturday, October 20, 2012

WBLS Probe, One Year Later

It was exactly one year ago today that Plaintalker posted a report on the mayor's testimony on the WBLS matter. Take a few minutes to read it again, or if you didn't see it, to read the report and comments. This issue took and continues to take attention away from many more concerns about day-to-day operations of the city.

Click here to read the 10/20/2011 post. 


  1. It makes you wonder if competent and corrupt might be more dangerous than inept and corrupt.

  2. Sharon doesn't want people to look at the terrible job she's doing or find the many skeletons I'm sure are rotting in he mayor's closet. Anyone who would support her for another term is office is as dishonest as she is.

  3. Unfortunately, in Plainfield, there's no data to test Alan's hypothesis.
