Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday Notes

Dill and Yarrow still green on Christmas!

I hope all who celebrate Christmas had a good holiday and all who had the day off courtesy of the majority population enjoyed themselves as well. 

We had a mixed-up day not worth a report. The highlight for me was having a new Tom Bihn messenger bag and delighting in all the small treasures Audrey and Peter sent from Seattle. The mix of cultures out there adds a dimension to shopping that I don't think is easily matched anywhere. Who knew there were page markers in the shape of Monarch butterflies? The cat was very interested in the purple mini LED lights. Some little items were from the the International District, where the Daiso variety store and the Kinokuniya book store are located.

As seen above, the feathery fronds of Dill and Yarrow around the birdbath have yet to wither. The Forsythia bush produced a few yellow blossoms at this late date. The snow storms are ahead of us, in January and February, no doubt.

Enjoy the long weekend if you have one. As a retiree for 11 years now, I have no such distinctions unless I declare them for myself! Reading about the re-enactment of Washington Crossing the Delaware made me glad to be retired, as I recalled being assigned to cover it one year on a day so cold and windy that the river police banned the crossing. I was happy to be home, even with a wayward squirrel in the building.


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