Monday, August 9, 2010

Reports and Discussions Dominate Council Meeting

The City Council's agenda session tonight (Aug.9, 2010) is heavy on reports and discussion items, so be prepared to listen and take notes before the resolutions and ordinances come up.

Topics include curfews, "council shadow initiative," the Recreation Comission and abandoned properties on North Avenue.

The council will be asked to grant permission for processions on Aug. 27 and 28 honoring the patron saint of Ecuador, Our Lady of Cisne. The Aug. 27 procession will go from West Fourth Street and Spooner Avenue to St. Mary's Church and the Aug. 28 one will start at Park Madison and proceed to the church.

Council approval is asked for a Union County Improvement Authority program to install solar panels in public buildings. The municipal buildings involved are City Hall Annex, Police Headquarters/Municipal Court, the main fire station and the Public Works yard.

The council will also be asked to approve conditions related to issuance of $4.4 million in refunding bonds. Most are related to actions that must be taken by the chief finance officer to inform the state Local Finance Board of the status of bond ordinances and proof that the city is adhering to the Municipal Qualified Bond Act. As readers know, there is no permanent CFO at present, so it is unclear who will do all the tasks required by the Local Finance Board.

The agenda is posted on the city web site. The meeting is 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Ave.

--Bernice Paglia


  1. What is this money for and can this mayor be trusted. I hope the City Council keeps her honest. Most of us don't trust her honor.

  2. Bernice,
    Hi I was wondering will there be a discussion of the incident where the woman was turned away from Muhlenburg hospital tonight

  3. I find it kind of funny using the words her and honor together. What is it? Oxymoron?

  4. The concil should get fix the roofs so they do not leak firstly. This is not a smart remark, the roofs leak.
