I skipped the National Night Out observance. Did not see McGruff the Crime Dog in the photo gallery, nor any of the fancy paraphernalia sold by the NNO folks. I suppose budget constraints put the kibosh on extra spending.
As I was mulling whether to assign myself to cover the NNO event, I saw one of our resident praying mantises taking a bite out of what looked like a stink bug. We are still finding these bugs around the house and you are not supposed to step on them, lest they stink up the place. You have to trap them and either take them outside or hold a burial at sea by flushing them. Or get a praying mantis on the case.
Tuesday was hot and humid - exactly like those July days that I thought we had put behind us. Dashing around on foot to do errands downtown left me wishing to do nothing more for the rest of the day or evening. Thanks to the Plainfield Public Library, I still have a stash of good books to read while resting up. By the way, the library folks want you to know that their improved web site has been launched.
Here's the message:
The Plainfield Public Library's Web Team is happy to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website.
The site's new look, created in-house using Adobe Dreamweaver, combines modern design with improved usability.
Some highlights of the new site include:
Customized site-specific Search Engine
Enhanced Calendar of Events
Expanded Children's Library page
Online Submission forms added to the Contact Us and Webmaster pages
Improved Directions page including an interactive map plus point-to-point directions
Check it out at http://www.plfdpl.info and don't forget to update your bookmarks as we have changed our file structure along with the new look.
The Plainfield Public Library Web Team
Hmm. Upgrading the web site. It can be done.
On another note, I have asked Saul Qersdyn to look into fixing his Plainfield blog aggregator site so it doesn't come up with a "fatal error" message. Some people tell me you just have to hit the "back" button and it will work, but really one shouldn't have to do that. The address is http://plainfield.inthe21.com/ if you want to try it.
For those who missed Tuesday's event, consider attending one or both of two on Saturday presented by Plainfield public safety people. The Plainfield Police Benevolent Association invites the public to "Community Appreciation Day" from 1 to 4 p.m. in Library Park, followed by a "Citizen Appreciation Day Bar-B-Q" presented by the Plainfield Fire Officers Association from 4 to 9 p.m. in the 100 block of Church Street.
Both events will feature free food and drinks. The Library Park gathering will also have rides and giveaways. They both sound like fun and a great way, especially for families, to meet some of the people who keep us safe.
The library's new website is pretty good, as is the school system's. The most thoughtful feature is basic library information in Spanish, which of course should be a "must do" for the city's website.