This reporter on a New York beach seemed to be in a perfect reverie of disgust as he wandered in and out of camera range during Hurricane Irene. Thought balloons: "This job sucks!" "It's raining. Duh." "For this I went to J-school?" "I am so getting wasted after this."

A Mexican glass vase made an impromptu rain gauge in our back yard.

Yep, sunflowers vs. 50-mph winds is not a fair match.

A bin-ful of mess, but a trifle compared to Manville and Paterson.

So this leak that I have had for 10 years? The plastic with binder clips has a hole to let the rain fall into the window box, which then gets bailed out. Better than having soggy tile collapse in every storm.

Finally in Connecticut! Good night, Irene.
For all too many Jerseyans, the storm's effects are far from over. Floods, power outages, stranded people and downed trees are still requiring a massive response here and all up and down the East Coast. Our thoughts are with those whose lives are on hold as a result of the storm, and also with the thousands of responders toiling to set things right.
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