Sunday, August 12, 2012

Supersize Caution on Sugar

My son and I have been having a debate about his love of Vanilla Coke. He will go out of his way to find it, while I am constantly reminding him about the sugar content.

Soda in the old days came in rather small bottles, but now 20-ounce bottles are common. Labels may cite a smaller serving size than the whole bottle, but how many people actually read the label and caculate the amount of sugar? My son has at least stopped drinking a whole bottle all at once.

Take a look at this old Pepsi ad and reflect on how times change. Maybe we don't need a nanny state to make us change our ways, but our perceptions could use a nudge. Go, Mayor Bloomberg!



  1. Really? Go Mayor Bloomberg? Goes to show just how dumb people have become when grown adults need an elected official to make decisions about what to eat, what to drink and how much. And you cheer this? Good grief.

  2. Bloomberg's law is so absurd. So if you limit someone to 16 ozs., then they just have to buy 2. And guess free refills are out of the question.

  3. Really People?? Get a clue this law is meant for the dumb who dont care about what they eat or their health because if anything happens they just go to ER and the taxpayers pay for it because they most likely don't have insurance. So go Bloomberg, thanks for saving the working middle class some money in the end

  4. 1:01 PM & 4:37 pm - Why does someone "have to buy two". Is someone compelling these unhealthy people to do this? What's actually absurd is anyone washing down a Big Mac with 32 ounces of garbage. What's also absurd is my health insurance costing more to cover these unhealthy, undisciplined freaks as they actively pursue heart disease and diabetes. It's not a nanny state to me - I don't go near this crap, exercise daily and yes - I am superior. Go Bloomberg!

  5. I always laugh at the overweight people who order a big mac and a diet coke. The diet coke is not working. Go Bloomberg! My tax dollars being wasted on people who dont care because they are not paying for it!

  6. I find that if I add vanilla (I can get big bottles at Costco pretty cheaply, but I'm guessing Twin Cities has big bottles also)to smoothies, I can cut down or not use any sweetener. I wonder if on the same principle, real vanilla added to Coke zero would give him the flavor he wants, maybe better, without sugar. Not that any sweetened soda is so great for us, but this could be something for him to try if he is looking for a middle ground.

  7. Well, when I do manage to hit the fast food joints, I always get a refill to go and just stick it in the fridge for later. And for all you that think this is just such a great idea, what's next? You can only get a single dip code and no double dip??? can't get a double burger but only a single so you have to order two and eat twice as much bread?....You can only buy 5 gals. of gas at a time....BJ's and Sam Clubs have to close down because they sell too large a quantity of certain products. ....Just keep government out of my business.. If you are worried about your tax dollars paying for my health care---..don't worry - you already are... Aren't retired government empyees health benifits great.

  8. I dunno, I was born in '75 so I was a kid in the mid 80's - I tore through about 2 liters of coke a day for a bunch of years.
