Friday, January 11, 2013

Gun Violence Strikes Again

The sound of police sirens in the afternoon and later a helicopter made me think something bad had happened, but I fell asleep early after a busy day and only awoke in the middle of the night to read about the 5-year-old who was struck by a stray bullet. Mark's article had a lot more details than the one in the Star-Ledger, and they were just horrifying.

Gun violence is in the news every day, along with the many other kinds of violence humans perpetrate on each other. After the expressions of outrage, what next?  The seeds of violence can be detected in video games, movies, song lyrics blasting out of cars and real-life fights among teens at Park & Seventh as also happened Thursday. Recently someone sprayed graffiti, including death threats, on buildings on my block.

How do we get from a culture of violence to one of peace? Must violence among peers, between men and women or ideological factions, always be with us?

My thoughts are with this child and his family and all of  us as his larger family in Plainfield.



  1. Who is the community affairs liaison and safety liaison on the council? There has been no reporting on either area.

    Shame on them and shame on the people in the 4th ward for not giving a darn.

  2. Shame on the mayor for not addressing violence and ignoring the issue. It is her job to take the lead with the help of the City Council. We have a mayor who ignores serious issues until she's forced to do something. Let's tell our mayor to get her lazy butt in gear, then have parents and citizens do their part.

  3. Shame on you anonymous for not mentioning the mayor in this. Don't you think she should be addressing the violence in the city in addition to the respective liaisons? Isn't it time she take responsibility for her non-performance. It's not all up to the City Council. Afterall in her own words, she said, "I'm the f**king Mayor.' Then she should step up and do what's right. Reach out to the community and let everyone know what her plans are for the city. Instead we are burdened with her seeking a third term. Shame, shame, shame!!!

  4. So what does the town propose to do ?? Have a Charter Study Revision Commission. In other words "Rearrange the chairs on the Titantic's deck" so everyone gets a better view of the sinking.

  5. Get to a Council Meeting and voice your opinion. This administration is very good about putting together rallies and demonstrations for incidents outside of Plainfield, but turns a blind eye to issues affecting our very own, over and over again.

    Comments on a blog are a good way to let other readers know they are not alone in their views, however, showing up at a City Council meeting, expressing your concerns, en masse especially, and demanding change will make a difference. If you can't make a meeting, call your council person, repeatedly and demand action and answers. Call Sharon Robinson-Briggs (albeit she'll never return a call) -- demand answers and demand change. Stop complaining on the blogs and make a real difference, in person.

    There are many of us concerned with the new configuration of the City Council and what issues it will choose to address -- I doubt that gun violence is one of them; elevating Plainfield and moving it forward is not their concern, providing more freebies to their constituents, is.

    Please go to City Council meetings and let them know what's on your mind.
