Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Commentary on Charter Report

The  Charter Study Commission's full report will soon be in wide circulation for anybody who wants to read it. Before reacting to details or extrapolating future results, it's a good idea to look at the entire document and maybe the CSC blog as well. This report was produced by a very dedicated and professional group of citizens, sparing the city all but a minor cost. Change is not going to happen immediately. Very few residents attended the CSC meetings, but all will still have opportunities to opine on aspects of the proposed amendments.

Having observed Plainfield's government at close range for about 30 years, I concur with those who feel amending the present charter is enough right now. The CSC recommends future reviews at about 12-year intervals, so it may not be another 45 years before the next charter study.

Plaintalker will follow the steps as they are accomplished in coming months. For now, just give the report a good read and discuss it with others if you are so inclined. Neither bloggers nor reporters can give you the experience of reading it for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Bernice, thank you for this post. I also hope that citizens will read the report and call one of the Commissioners if there are questions or comments. Hard copies are available in the City Clerk's office, the Plainfield Public Library, at the Public Works City Yard and at the Senior Center. The report can be downloaded from the City website as well. Mary Burgwinkle, Secretary, Plainfield Charter Study Commission
