Friday, October 8, 2010

Mischief Afoot

Eris, the goddess of Discord, and Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lost objects, were a regular tag team in my household this morning. Things kept disappearing and turning up, including one wallet with money and another with my bank card and library card.

I got all the way to the library before delving in my bag, which I had searched at home to no avail, only to find the little wallet with cash. But the other one, which is seldom removed from my messenger bag, was missing and so I couldn't use the library's computer.

Many other glitches occurred this morning, compunded by my increasing anxiety.

I'm at the Internet cafe right now - more later from the library.



  1. have had a couple friends who are into the zodiac mention the issue with the moon as of late..chaos, misunderstandings, misinterpretations etc etc...When referring to my being out of sorts regarding some personal issues.

  2. My favorite is St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes. You might want to try him!

    Sorry you're having such a hard time--maybe it's a conspiracy.

  3. You could always call George Noury on Coast to Coast AM about your paramormal experiences!
