Friday, February 3, 2012

The Fray Begins

Intelligence from the political front is pointing to a fractious local season, curiously enough brought on by the notion of a new day of togetherness among Democrats.

But maybe turbulence will lead to the emergence of new energy from unanticipated sources. I like Dr. Yood's thought that unaffiliated voters may join the party to create a third slate for a primary contest. If anyone is interested, May 15 is the last day to register to vote in the June primary.

Successful election campaigns require money and a hard-working team, as recent Republican contests indicate. There are also many rules to learn regarding campaign reporting and significant dates. Few upstart groups can match a seasoned political machine, but there is no harm in trying if people feel strongly enough. Who knows, disgruntled or disillusioned operatives from an entrenched group might even assist enthusiastic newbies.

Those in power like to give caveats that unless a voter votes an entire line, disaster will ensue, especially in a presidential year. If that was absolutely true, there would be no need for contests at the local level. The fact is, voters like a choice in local representation, as we have seen in recent elections.

So all y'all with bees in your bonnet and fire in your belly, find your political soul mates out there and band together if you feel you can do better than the usual suspects on the campaign trail. We'll be watching.


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