Monday, March 12, 2012


"the careful and responsible
of something
entrusted to one's care"

By putting someone in charge of resources through election or appointment, you are entrusting them with the obligation to take care of them.

In war, "to the victors belong the spoils" was the ancient rule. But in daily life, even our distant forebears expected leaders to "husband," or be "frugal managers" of resources.

These definitions remind us that the taxpayers' and ratepayers' money is to be used for the common good by trustworthy stewards. Let us remind those in office, or seeking office, of the same.


1 comment:

  1. Plainfield Peace CoalitionMarch 15, 2012 at 9:38 AM

    Dear Bernice

    The inferrance I have received from reading your statement is that you would like a male to be Steward....
    WOW, how revealing, thus I can now logically put together your distrust for Female leadership or your lack of confidence that a Woman mankind's only hope of perpetuating the species is only functional in regards to re creating humanity...Dosent the fact that Women, who hold this blessed function, can also become dynamic leaders by Gods permission
    Let me remind you about a Woman named Zhinga
    the leader of the African Congo, who fought hard against colonial influense (PORTUGUESE)
    to the expense of her family, whom were slaughtered.
    This example is one I hold dear to my heart and will continue to advocate for the equality
    of stewardship as it pertains to Women of African decent being in leadership roles.
    I understand that you would rather see a Man
    but I wish that you would become a bit more involed by making the attempt to assist a person of your gender instead of this maury povich circus atmosphere you are continuing to create
