Monday, June 12, 2017

Official Primary Results Now Posted

Official results show the winners of the June 6 primary to be Mayor Adrian O. Mapp, seeking re-election for four years; Councilwoman Joylette Mills-Ransome for a one-year unexpired Second & Third Wards at-large term in the seat she now holds as an appointee; and Steve Hockaday for the four-year Fourth Ward term.

Mills-Ransome and Hockaday are unopposed for the Nov. 7 general election, as no Republicans or independents filed to run for those seats. No Republicans filed for the mayoral seat, but Mustapha Muhammad filed June 6 as an independent challenger to Mapp.

Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi posted the official primary results today. In the mayoral race, Mapp received 2,970 votes, followed by Rev. Tracey Brown with 2,331. Councilwoman Bridget Rivers got 470 votes and Dr. Henrilynn Davis Ibezim trailed with 148.

In the Second & Third Wards at-large race, Councilwoman Mills- Ransome led strongly with 1,795 to 570 for Cameron Cox and 333 for Alma Blanco.

Just as Muhammad urged voters prior to the primary to vote for Brown for mayor, Brown is now calling on all who voted for her to back Muhammad on Nov. 7.

Blanco's defeat is her second in two years. She ran on a ticket with Brown in the June 2016 primary and both lost.

Hockaday ran last year on a slate opposing Mapp-backed candidates, but this year Democrats formerly at odds joined forces to run on a slate with Phil Murphy for governor at the top. Column A featured Regular Democrats all the way, while the ballot format lumped all splinter Democrats together on Column G.
Here are all the slates and their totals (in red)

Mayor, Four-year term: Adrian O. Mapp 2,970
City Council, Second & Third Wards Unexpired One-year Term: Joylette E. Mills-Ransome 1,795
Fourth Ward, Four-year term: Steve Hockaday 307

Mayor, Four-year term: Dr. Henrilynn Davis Ibezim 148
City Council, Second & Third Wards Unexpired One-year Term: Cameron E. Cox 570
Fourth Ward, Four-year term: Elliott Simmons 89

Mayor, Four-year term: Bridget Rivers 470
City Council, Second & Third Wards Unexpired One-year Term: Alma Blanco 333
(no Fourth Ward candidate filed)

Mayor, Four-year term: Tracey L. Brown 2,331
Fourth Ward, Four-year term: Terri Briggs 290
(Second & Third Ward candidate filing was ruled invalid)


  1. It’s unfortunate that the Plainfield Democrats continue to support and elect unqualified people to serve on the Council. These candidates are no different than the one’s Green supported. Is it that qualified people won’t run. Or is that the leadership wants dummies that will just say yes to everything and won’t come up with anything on their own.

    1. First of all, the people elect candidates, a political organization only nominates them. Sedcondly, I have seen a lot of candidates over the past 34 years and Joylette Mills-Ransome is supremely qualified to serve. Steve Hockaday is an attorney, so surely he understands government and the role of a legislator. Sorry you can't distinguish among candidates.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First of all, the people elect candidates, political organizations only nominate them. Secondly, Joylette Mills-Ransome is supremely qualified. Steve Hockaday is an attorney and surely understands government and the role of a legislator. Sorry you can't distinguish among candidates.

  3. To 8:08am - If you don't see a difference in how Mayor Mapp runs this city vs. how Sharon ran the city, you aren't paying attention. And, if you think Brown or Rivers have the skills set to be leaders, you don't understand what it takes to run a city.
