Sunday, May 20, 2012

FOSH Garage Sale Today

Can it really be 20 years since the Friends of Sleepy Hollow began inviting all of Central Jersey to Plainfield for super bargains?

This year, more than 100 homes will be stops on the garage sale circuit through city neighborhoods, including Sleepy Hollow's winding roads and the Van Wyck Brooks Historic District's stately rows of mansions. The sale is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and participating homes are marked with balloons. Maps and directions to special sale items are available at each house.

Visitors will take home not only treasures and trifles new to them, but also memories of the city's outstanding housing stock, well-tended gardens and pleasant neighborhoods, not to mention congenial and welcoming residents.

Credits for organizing this year's event go to Kathleen McDermott and Frank Colon, with assistance from
Sean McKenna, Cynthia Alexander, Shannon Pacheco, Larry Quirk and Jan Jasper. Any surplus from the registration fee goes to projects in Plainfield, such as an award for a graduating Plainfield High School senior and scholarships to send city public school  students to the du Cret School of the Arts in Plainfield.

Times are tough lately, but it has been said that when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping! Bring your biggest shopper bag and a sun hat and come on over!


1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Ms. Paglia I know this is a change of Topic but I looked for you at the Superintendant Forum on Saturday. It was one of the most RIDICULOUS PRANKS this BOE have pulled this far. For the BOE to disrespect the community like that was another example of how they think the coummunity is just plain right DUMB.

    They had 2 canidates one was just there to make the now sitting Mrs. Belin-Pyles look good. The Canidate was from Trenton and already had problems there. Mrs Belin-Plyes did a horrible job, and the majority of us whom sat in the room was just in disbelief.

    I think this BOE need to go and I mean now to pull this stunt on the community is a disservice to the community. Please write about this and I am sure you will get a lot of feedback.

    I am so disappointed in the State or whoever the BOE said they used to research for canidates for this position.

    WE DEMAND BETTER FOR OUR CHILDREN. Mrs Campbell could care less she never sent her children to the Plainfield School District. Renta child is in School that is in a Island all by itself. Keisha do not send her child to the district, and the other board member's are just rubber stamps.

