Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Snafu Leaves Council Vacancy Unfilled

Charles Eke
The City Council's failure Monday to choose a temporary successor to Councilwoman Annie McWilliams means selection will revert to the Democratic City Committee that had offered three names.

McWilliams, a daughter of the late Mayor Albert T. McWilliams, resigned as of Nov.1. Her term, including two stints as council president, ends Dec. 31. As required, the party committee gave the governing body three names - Hattie Williams, Dottie Gutenkauf and Charles Eke - and separate resolutions for each one were on Monday's agenda as new items.

Williams and Gutenkauf are both longtime party stalwarts. Willliams served as a City Hall greeter in the early days of Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs' tenure. Gutenkauf was a leader in the campaign to save Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center from closing and continues to fight for the hospital's restoration. Eke campaigned early for Barack Obama in 2008 and later sought a seat on the Plainfield Municipal Utilities Authority. In interviews last week, Councilwoman Rebecca Williams reminded Eke of his verbal attacks on council members who voted against him in 2011 for the PMUA seat and asked how he now expected to serve on the council.

When it came time to vote Monday to fill the vacancy, Hattie Williams was the first name up and won in a 4-2 vote, with Rebecca Williams (no relation), Cory Storch, Adrian Mapp and Wliiam Reid voting "yes" and Bridget Rivers and Vera Greaves voting "no." The other two resolutions were then removed from the agenda, as the matter appeared to be settled. But during the public comment portion of the meeting, Reid, who was participating by phone, interrupted to say he wanted to change his vote to Eke.

Mapp, as council president, allowed public comment to continue until all who wished to speak had done so. Storch then moved to adjourn the meeting, but Rivers reminded her colleagues that Reid had a question.

Over the phone, Reid said, "I did not hear the vote on the next council person. My vote would be for Mr. Eke."

"That resolution was withdrawn," Mapp said.

Rivers asked for a legal opinion and City Solicitor David Minchello said Mapp as council president would have to allow Reid to change his vote. The subsequent 3-3 tie meant the vote for Hattie Williams failed.
A vote to put the other two resolutions back on the agenda also failed, 3-3, and Mapp said the decision would revert to Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Green. City Clerk Abubakar Jalloh said technically the vote goes to the committee.

Reid asked whether Eke could be sworn in for the Dec. 3 agenda-fixing session. Minchello said depends when the committee. which has 15 days, makes its choice.

The possibility of a split vote was foreshadowed at the start of the meeting, when council members had to select a chairman of the whole to replace Reid, as he was not physically present. The all-Democratic council split between two factions and after a round of failed votes, Mapp said, "We are at an impasse for no good reason."

Finally members voted unanimously for Storch, who quipped, "That was really validation."

The council has an agenda-fixing session at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3 in City Hall Library and a regular meeting at 8 p.m. Dec. 10 in Municipal Court. An agenda-fixing session for the January reorganization is 7:30 p.m.Dec. 17 in City Hall Library.
Note: I am posting some of the comments below just to point up the abrasiveness in city politics. I am not endorsing the negativity.


  1. Situation Normal All F&$%*d Up!

    Hattie Williams, the Plainfield Housing Authority commissioner who got the authority to make an illegal contribution to Tracey Brown's primary campaign, reminds us of the self-dealing and lack of accountability exhibited throughout every branch of city government. (see page 4- http://www.elec.state.nj.us/FnOpenClient/FnJavaView.aspx?Library=DefaultIMS:ELEC_ONLINE:FILENET&Id=2746714&ObjType=2&Op=View)

    The document referenced above is a who's who of vendors and officials that feed at the public trough. The candidate herself, as a PMUA commissioner, has pilfered thousands in illegal compensation without a word of rebuke.

    More than 11,000 voters just gave a thumbs-up
    to continued abuse, although I am sure they don't see it that way, don't care, or don't even know. It's the way we roll, and it has cost us millions. There's so much plotting in the city to enrich the politically connected, and such ineptitude at doing it, millions more is lost and so many opportunities squandered.

    The vote last night just shows how fubared we are. It's the gang that can't shoot straight, the band of miscreants. There's so much flim-flam, it would be silly in the short-term if it weren't so costly every day thereafter.

  2. Thanks Bernice for the news. The person picked will only sit for one or two meetings but it seems that the two factions, the new and the old, want to have their saying as to who will be there for December's vote. It makes wonder what the agenda is for December. On the other hand, maybe now that the seat is going up again a Latino candidate will be offered by the Plainfield's political machine. Maybe I should offer myself as a "sacrificial lamb". Maybe.:-)

    1. Maria - as a Democratic City Committee member you have my vote!

      Ooooo that's right we don't get to vote, grrrr

      jim spear
      ward 2, district 8

  3. How can anyone in Plainfield with sense think that we have any kind of sensible group representing us?

    Reid votes yes to Williams and then no because he did not hear? How about this scenario, he voted yes to Hattie because he wanted her on the council, and then voted no when he heard Vera and Bridgette vote yes and figured he would get in trouble with Green? Pitiful, pathetic, and lame.

    And those are the nice words you can use regarding Plainfield government.

  4. What a mess, What a mess, What a mess


  5. Reid changed his vote because Jerry Green want Meeks. Facts are facts. I don't think he should be on the council, as his tirade before the Council previously shows his immaturity and, perhaps, poor judgement. I fear what happens when Sharon's friend, who thinks grants and public housing will fix Plainfield's woes, gets in office. Pray for Plainfield, we need it.

  6. It's the same old **** at the council meetings! The "Thems" versus The "Thems"! Three against three. Can't wait to see the four against the three when the "do right" Reverend Tracy Brown come on in January. Absolutely nothing will get done on the council. It's time for the Latinos and others to rise to the occasion and run for office. Maybe people of the other persuasion can get something done!

  7. Fortunately Santa will again be giving out gifts at City Hall again this year. Taxpayers should phone in and say when they plan to send in their checks and of course are free to change their minds later on.

  8. We have been pleading with the Latinos to make their voices heard.

    Maybe instead of feeling as though they are Peruvians, Mexicans, Ecuadorian etc. they might think of themselves as part of Plainfield. A unit of people, not separate countries of people.

  9. It's ironic that Rebecca Williams would call out another person for their verbal attacks. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

  10. PATHETIC! All-around. First, Reid deciding to change his vote after the meeting had concluded and second, a choice of candidates that are nothing more than Jerry Green lap dogs.

    I'm scared to think of what the council will be providing as far as leadership as a newly elected lap dog takes her place in the 3 ring circus -- definitely not best in show!

    Things are changing in Plainfield, just not fast enough, but yes, they're changing -- just take a look around.

    1. Dear "Keeping It Real": Obviously you don't know me--if you did you would know I'm nobody's "lap dog", "pawn", or "tool." I hope we have an opportunity to meet some time.

  11. Rebecca Williams has been the most potty-filled mouth in Plainfield Council history.

    Her actions and her mouth is shameful! Her actions show you politics rise above the needs of the city. As always in Plainfield.

  12. To 6:32 PM,

    Perhaps my vocabulary offends you, but I am not sure what you mean by "potty mouth," as I do not use profanity and everyone knows it.

    YOUR inability to insult me using proper grammar while you purposely lie about my language use offends me.

    Not sure what "actions" you are referring to, either. Last night's council "appointment" was a sham which didn't go as certain individuals planned. I presume you are one of those individuals.

    I find it laughable that anyone would be so desperate as to want to pad a resume with "served on the city council for 3 weeks" in advance of a sham appointment to the PMUA--actually, it's pathetic.


  13. Bye bye Annie so sorry to see you go and hey thanks for the going away present:


  14. Pat Turner KavanaughNovember 28, 2012 at 8:23 AM

    Bob at 11:48: Jerry Green does not support Meeks. Frank Meeks was an honorable and honest Republican member of the City Council who died recently.

  15. Well.. this is what we get for putting a bunch of crooked self serving Republicans in office.. Oh sorry.. that's where I came from where idiots vote only 1 party.. Here it's the crooked self serving Democrats.
    4 more years for Sharon!! Can't wait till she gets the party line to watch her get voted into office again .. lol.
    Fools..the lot of you.

  16. The remarks about Rebecca Williams must come from someone who doesn't know her, and/or a political hack. She always takes credit for what she says, unlike Sharon and some of her hacks, and she does not use profanity. Let's get real you "Anonymous" hacks.

  17. To 6:32 pm - If you think Rebecca has a potty mouth (although I have never heard her say a curse word come to think of it) you must need extra oxygen when you are around the mayor - oh excuse me - it's the F****ng mayor (as she calles herself)!

  18. I don't know anything about Rebecca having a potty mouth or using profanity but I do know that she continually attacks people who disagree with her. A clear example is above where she attacks the writer of an anonymous comment for his/her improper grammar.

  19. Haters, haters, haters. Rebecca does not attack anyone who disagrees with her. She is extremely intelligent and you haters can't handle that. How sad and pathetic you are for hating someone smarter than you are. Go get an education and you will be smart too just like Rebecca!
