Monday, April 8, 2013

Pruning the Yews

An alternative to removing the yew hedges in front of City Hall would be to prune them back severely to allow new growth that can be properly shaped. Apparently the question is whether city residents will recoil in horror or understand the horticultural need if this option is chosen.

Yews can live for hundreds of years and it is likely that the hedges at City Hall have not had a hard cutback since the early 20th Century, when City Hall and its grounds were designed and constructed.  I'm told the Shade Tree Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission both support saving the hedges rather than removing them.Work has begun and the decision is at hand.

Plaintalker will attempt to get more information on this issue. Meanwhile, anyone with an informed opinion on  this topic can contact Public Works Director Eric Jackson at (908) 753-3375 or



  1. Gunthild Sondjay gave strict orders to all workers to NEVER put machinery on the brick plaza. So much for people following threw on things in the City

  2. Bernice,

    You say to call Eric Jackson to express any opinions on this matter, this leads me to believe than then the plan to deal with the overgrown yews come from the Dept. of Public Works, if this is so, then we should be comfortable knowing that whatever decision is made is most likely to be inclusive and most likely everyone involved with this project will be able to give and take until a reasonable decision is reached by all. This is my experience dealing with Mr. Jackson and with John Louise. Nothing but professionals here. Just my opinion.
