Thursday, October 3, 2013

Update on Cullen Salary

Although my OPRA request for compensation of non-union employees included a response that Glenn Cullen receives $80,000, I have received a correction from the City Clerk's office:
 The correct salary for Mr. Glen Cullen is $41, 920.00 annually at a rate of$800.00 per week.  The salary budgeted for said position is in the amount of $42,000.00.


  1. Hey maybe I can get a correction on my Tax Bill, it should be lower I think !

  2. 52 weeks X $800 = $41,600, so is he paid for 52.4 weeks and is he working 52.4 weeks a year or does that include vacation and sick time?

  3. What exactly is Cullen doing? According to the Audit report it doesn't appear that he isn't doing anything. Maybe someone should OPRA his work because we deserve better for $800/week or $41,920 per year

  4. Why is it that the $40k+ that Cullen receives from Plainfield not reported though the NJ PERS Pension system? Is he getting paid under the table? Is this potentially another problem? Maybe that is why we have the audit findings and he is not doing anything about it. Makes me wonder.
