A blog post, or even several, cannot adequately capture what went on at Tuesday's combined agenda-fixing and regular meetings. Over four and a half hours, it ran the gamut from sensible action by the city's top elected officials to a political sideshow that had audience members snickering or rolling their eyes.
It was taped for viewing on the local television channels and may surface on YouTube as well. If you can't watch it all, at least take a look and let your elected representatives know what you think. Plaintalker will keep posting on individual aspects of the meeting over the next few days and expect coverage from Dr. Yood and other bloggers as well, including the officials themselves who blog.
Over 30 years of covering Plainfield, I have seen much parrying among factions. To the combatants, it may feel like a virtuous battle; onlookers may take sides or just enjoy the spectacle.
When will that day come, when as in the old song people lay down the sword and shield and "study war no more" ... a lot of citizens want to know.
It will come when all are aligned with what is best for Plainfield. Here is how I see it (and it will not make people happy)
ReplyDelete1 - There are three members who I see as educated and try to do what is best for Plainfield. Yes, they have agendas of their own, but buy and large, they understand that they represent a group of diverse people, and try to be fiscally responsible. They are Storch - Williams - Mapp (no I am not a New Dem - or Old Dem or any Dem)
2 - Then you have the four others who, while good hearted and well intentioned, have no clue what their responsibilities are. They are:
Bill Reid - At the council meetings you will hear him say "that is my opinion". He does not understand that he is not voting on his opinion, but what is best for Plainfield and his ward.
Vera Greaves - What can I say? First, I don't think she ever opens her packet before she attends the meetings. She obviously has no clue what goes on at the meetings, and is another person who constantly talks about her agenda. Not clue about her fiduciary responsibility.
Tracy Brown - She has a kind heart and is for those less fortunate. The problem is that she represents ALL of Plainfield. She may be a great reverend, but has no business being in a position where she must decide what is best for the city as a whole, not just those chosen few who she wants to represent.
Bridget River - Bridget is interesting. She was first elected all on her own, which meant that she was beholding to no one. She then later (I understand) obtained her job through Jerry Green - so you know where her loyalties now lie. She is the one most disappointing to me, as she really was the only one who could thumb her nose at everyone - but alas she drank the cool aid.
Of the above four, there is a constant cry about how their people are hurting. Yet at yesterday's meeting, they wanted to spend 30K to Kean for a service that is available to Plainfielders for nothing.
Last year, three out of the 4 (Brown was not on the council) shelled out 18K for the mayor's lawyer. Not one of them were offended that the mayor entered into a contract that put the city at risk, and not one of them were appalled that the mayor obviously had no intention of paying her bill (it was noted that if the council did not pay up, the city would be sued).
They all have a constant cry of "but it's only X thousands of dollars" from one side of their mouth, and then you hear "but our people are hurting" from the other.
I would also encourage anyone reading this to research what council member's pay their property taxes and PMUA bills and which do not.
Even more distressing is that they thought nothing of spending over 100K on salaries for police promotions. And this is the scary part. Their response was that it did not cost the taxpayers anything.
Their lack of understanding that:
1 - the transfer meant that the police department misappropriated funds, which means that the Police department has to have more money in its budget next year. This translates into higher taxes.
2- Higher salaries means higher pensions which affect the budget. This translates into higher taxes.
Their collective lack of understanding of financial matters, and their responsibility as council members is frightening. And their lack of interest in learning about these matters is disgusting.
So while the three mentioned at first may not be perfect, they at least are trying to make a better Plainfield through fiscally responsible decisions, along with decisions that help ALL of Plainfield.
The bottom four, while lovely people, are manipulated by Jerry Green (remember, he appointed all of them), and seem to have no mind of their own.
Sad for Plainfield. Hopefully, more people will come to council meetings to see the circus, voice their opinions, and get involved in voting out people whose agenda has little to do with Plainfield, and everything to do with following the line, and promoting their own special interest.
I could go on and on.
Don't forget that they voted not to up the CFO's salary so that Plainfield can attract a qualified person to help sort out this financial mess. The CFO would also help to curb spending and perhaps stabilize or maybe even lower taxes.
DeleteSo is this must be the "people are hurting' song with no understanding that it could help the people.
I would also not use the work misappropriated funds when referring to the police department. I think a better work is under estimated their cost. Yes, it is scary that they don't get it.
I disagree totally with anon 12:15 you have 3 whom spent over $100,000.00 to defend a WBLS $5,000.00 The same 3 have their own personal agenda' You have a mayor elect whom said it was a mandate by the people to DICTATE wow. This Mayoe elect wants to spend over $300,000 thousand dollars on January 1st when he would even give the Current Mayor sitting a secretary. The 3 of them do not have the entire City of Plainfield at heart. The Mayor e-lect have to pay off some campaign promises right now and its ok but dont take the entire City down with you. When we talk about people not paying their bills. I think our Mayor e-lect knows how it feels to be financially bankrupt. So anon 12:15 while I know you are a strong supporter of Mapp, Storch, and Williams please stop throwing stones because there are enough stones to throw all over the place.
ReplyDeleteRemember, the reason money was spent on WBLS was because the mayor would not sit down and talk to the council - in private. She felt and still feels she is above the law, and can spend, my money, and YOUR money any way she wants. So again, we spent the money because of the mayor, not because of the three council members. So, if you think it's OK for the mayor to spend money the way she does, I'll have my property tax bill sent to your home, and you can pay mine, too. Believe it or not, I have bills to pay too.
DeleteGood morning Ms. Paglia I was at the meeting last night it was a disgrace. Council women Williams need to be mindful of her facial expressions when she do not get her way.
ReplyDeleteChildren grow up and play nice. Council men Mapp you learned a very valuable lesson last night what goes around comes around.
All great points (and definitely a lot of thought and time) - I think one major issue with all of these types of initiatives is a real failure to "sell" the proposal. The CFO and COS ordinances were put on the agenda with apparently little to no conversation amongst council members (if Ms. Rivers comments last night are correct). This is the wrong way to roll ideas and proposals out. The end result when this is done is that you have misunderstandings, confusion and then digging in by those members less well versed in financials and management concepts. If this had been presented, explained and discussed to council members they might have walked away with a better understanding of the big picture thinking. Instead you have confusion, misinformation and assumption leading to bad defeat of legislation and bad PR. I get the need for open dialogue and transparency but there is no reason they can have discussions about intent before hand so that members don't have to be educated about things on the fly. In the end this approach may have still resulted in defeat (can't win them all) but overall this approach makes much more sense.
ReplyDeletethis city is a circus.
ReplyDeleteI love this. And after all the back biting, nastiness, and evil actions, you hear "Have a blessed day".
At least Williams spoke on the travesty of skipping the number two Sgt again and is aware that the city liability has increased again. Hellwig got three days suspension and probably was still paid and they keep punishing the sgt for reporting the criminal act. Hellwig and the city are going to pay a lot of cash to fix this. Meanwhile the PBA also does nothing since it's not one of his friends
ReplyDeleteI just hope Hellwig is working on his resume - he will probably need a fresh one in the new year.