Sunday, August 24, 2014

Green's Disregard of Committee is Old News

This year was not the only one where Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Green chose candidates without a vote by the City Committee. I came across this news clipping from 1990 where the same thing happened.

Green states he has the right to choose candidates and endorses Elizabeth Urquhart for First Ward, Robert Brown for the Citywide at-large seat and Rupert Crawford for the Second & Third Wards at-large seat.

The article notes that Brown was unaware of Green's selection and Crawford said he was not interested in the seat assigned to him.

And so it goes.


  1. It was in the 90's when the "party" nominated husband,wife, and son to fill a vacancy. Unfortunately, although when accepting a nomination the person agrees to serve; before the Council selection meeting took place wife and son withdrew.

  2. Green is just delusional. He has no real power. Wish the people would realize that and vote him out next year. All he is is a bully.
