It looks like 16 inches fell on Block 832 in the big storm, although drifts are higher.

The skies appear to be clearing and sunshine is forecast for today.

Somebody shoveling out a car parked on the street tossed snow onto our cleared, though single-file, sidewalk. In comments for an interview earlier this week, former Public Works and now PMUA official David Ervin noted the difficulty of clearing streets with so many more cars parked overnight on the street than in the 1990s. The "No Parking 2-6 a.m." rule is apparently not enforced or unenforceable.

Public Works and the Parking Bureau are clearing Cleveland Avenue, a popular route to the main train station.

The cleanup started early, but there's plenty more to go. Property owners are running out of places to pile up the snow.
Safe walking to pedestrians and safe driving to those with vehicles! Take your time and be careful!
Plalinfield's DPW department led by John Louise has done a great job in my neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether to complain or complement him on his job. He has cleaned the streets so well, that once my driveway is plowed, I have no reason not to go to work!
At least in this department I see my tax dollars at work, and feel as though I am getting my money's worth (or is it monies worth).
This is a change I would like to see happen. The Mayor, et al can use the phones to make "robo" calls during the election. Why cant we use the same technology to call everyone when it is going to snow to get the cars off the roads. Put them in the driveways, your neighbors driveway if you dont have one, or on the front lawn so that the DPW can do an even better job of clearing the roads. This would apply to the apartment buildings too. Open the gates and let the tenants park where they should be in the first place, in th parking lots, not on the streets. It would make life easier for everyone.