Thursday, April 14, 2011

Advent of the Truth?

Nearly nine months have passed with mounting questions about how city funds came to spent on an Aug. 1 radio show. Click here for one of the early expressions of concern. With Monday's City Council vote, an investigation is now imminent.

If in fact an outside entity made a goodwill donation to the city for some cause or event, how was it solicited and how was it spent? Money that was taken out of city accounts had to be documented. By what process was any offset donation acknowledged and accounted for in city ledgers? These are some of the questions to be answered.



  1. The only thing that concerns me is the firm and that lawyer also have made oodles of contributions to the Democratic Party in NJ as well as various individual Democratic lawmakers throughout the region.
    In NJ that means they have lucrative contracts somewhere with some government entity. Which of course means, someone, somewhere, could make the phone call and have the information...tweaked, as it were.

  2. Former PLFD City WorkerApril 14, 2011 at 6:43 PM

    Check the NFBPA's books. They have been known to reimburse for city matters previously.
