Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Attorney to Probe WBLS Event

The long-delayed investigation into costs of an Aug. 1, 2010 "town meeting" may resume with the expected hiring a new attorney on Monday.

Corporation Counsel Dan Williamson said at last Monday's agenda session that a resolution to hire attorney Ramon Rivera of the law firm Scarinci Hollenbeck will be on the regular meeting's agenda. The meeting is 8 p.m. in Municipal Court, 325 Watchung Ave.

A city check for $20,000 was paid to WBLS for the event, which featured an appearance by Rev. Al Sharpton. Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs later said $15,000 of the fee for the event was paid by an anonymous donor, reducing the city's cost to $5,000. Click here for Plaintalker's most recent post on the matter.

The need for an attorney points up a divide between the administration and the governing body that has persisted for many months and most recently surfaced this week when a harshly-worded flyer turned up in City Hall mailboxes. The anonymous author condemned certain council members for allegedly "attacking the mayor" and also heaped insults on bloggers, a city activist and a reporter. Robinson-Briggs denied any knowledge of how it happened, but some council members called for an investigation of the incident and whether any city copy machines or computers were used to create or disseminate the flyer.



  1. Why was a political law firm from Lynhurst selected?

  2. Interesting. This firm gave Jerry Green $2,000 in contributions. The same firm gave over $40,000 in donations to the Democrats. Interesting pick by the New Democrats who claim to be anti-machine.

    See here:
