Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Garden Find

At first, this husk of a praying mantis made me think some predator had sucked out its insides. Then I remembered the word "exoskeleton." A quick online tour confirmed that praying mantises are among those insects that shed their skins as they grow.

This exoskeleton has every little ridge on the forelegs and even the cast-off antennae. Click on photo to enlarge for a better view.

Finds like these are a gardener's reward for toiling in the summer heat! And our head count of at least four of these creatures holds as they grow larger.



  1. Very cool! If humans could do that, there would be no need for plastic surgeons! "Oh? I have some wrinkles? Not to worry, I'm shedding my skin next Tuesday."

  2. I am so glad to see there are still praying mantis about. I haven't seen one in 5 years, and we practice 'green gardening.' Thanks for the head count.

