Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice 2011

Celebrate the light!

This week marks the Winter Solstice, an occasion noted both by scientists and everyday people - you know, Druids, Pagans and people who like to see their indoor plants start to perk up in mid-winter as the light gradually increases.

That sprig of plastic mistletoe at holiday parties has Druidic origins that you can look up for yourselves. Winter solstice is also the reason for big bonfires in many countries and cities.

So if you are out taking a nature walk to work off your holiday feast this week, give a thought to the Wheel of the Seasons and the ancients who honored the Winter Solstice as the return of light after dark days.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Solistice to you too Bernice! I was just telling my children that to mark it tomorrow we should have a cake (this after the walk of course!)

    Thanks for all you do for us. Hope this coming holidays and year brings you health, peace and joy.

    Maria Pellum
