Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Milestone for Plaintalker

Plaintalker II hit the 1,000-post mark after 20 months. The original blog, Plainfield Plaintalker, got up to 2,400 posts over 60 months. If you're new to Plainfield or just want to get some idea of how things have gone around here in the past six and a half  years, browse on a topic (PMUA, for example) or search a name (Jerry Green?) by using the box in the upper left corner.

Besides politicians and developers, you may encounter Mau the cat or our resident praying mantises among the posts. Local businesses and points of interest such as the Shakespeare Garden are featured on the blogs, along with interesting sights that turn up when one takes advantage of Plainfield's walkability.

Thanks to Barbara Todd Kerr, who in 2005 created the nuts and bolts of the blog and also contributed posts for several years. And thanks to all the readers, even the guy who told me he liked the "blob" a lot. Call it what you will, just call it up on your computer/tablet/phone or whatever and get a hyperlocal glimpse of our Queen City!



  1. I wish my blobs could be a tenth as elegant as yours, Bernice--congratulations!


    1. Thanks! Praise from Prof. Williams is high praise indeed!

  2. Congrats to you Bernice! Reading your blog is part of my daily routine.


  3. Hi Bernice, a day without your blog is like a day without sunshine. You should know that your blog is talked about in cocktail circles, and we all appreciate your hard work and dedication to this city. Here's to 2K more!!!

  4. Thanks Bernice for being a true professional! I look forward to reading your blog daily.

  5. Bernice,

    Many, many thanks for the ongoing kudos for my (now small) role goading you into the blogosphere! It's one of the best projects I've ever been involved with. The Plaintalker's solid journalism has developed into an incredible community information service over the years, thanks (99%) to you!

    Best regards, Barbara

  6. We are all very fortunate to have your blog to keep us in the loop with whats going on in our city.

  7. Congratulations on your latest blog milestone! Although I don't comment regularly, you know I'm out here reading regularly. Thank you for your dedication to the city!
