Friday, April 27, 2012

Arbor Day 2012

Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs opens Arbor Day ceremonies at the Plainfield Public Library. Five Kwanzan cherry trees were planted.
Kindergarten students from Evergreen School joined the Shade Tree Commission, library staff and other dignitaries to mark the occasion.
Shade Tree Commission Chairman Dr. Gregory Palermo greeted everyone and described this year's Specimen Trees, noteworthy for their size, age and beauty. They are an American Elm on Park Avenue and a Copper Beech on Watchung Avenue.
Officials unfurled the city's new "Tree City USA" flag.
Library Board President Anne Robinson talks to the children about the importance of both Arbor Day and the Plainfield Public Library.
Children used pails and shovels to spread mulch on the newly planted trees.

Happy Arbor Day to all!



  1. Is this the same mayor that wants to take money from the Library opening up the Arbor Day Ceremony?

  2. Amazing that she would have the gall to show up at the library. Next she will be looking to get a library card.

  3. I could not get there although I am a big supporter of the library. Did she even mention the importance of the library in the community? Did she mention how SHE is going to help the library? How could she show her face there? She is trying to ruin Plainfield piece by piece. Now she is hitting the heart of the City. For Shame!

  4. Did she feed the participants? She should remember that you also need to feed the mind. What a hipocrate!

  5. Just goes to show that she has no conscience.
