Monday, April 16, 2012

Query Dan Quick Before He Leaves

While Corporation Counsel Dan Williamson is no doubt studying a cheat sheet on the types of solid waste, Plaintalker is plotting how to get some outstanding questions answered before he becomes the executive director of the PMUA and leaves city legal matters to a newbie.

A big one is, whatever happened in the matter of money owed by the city for senior center fit-out and condo fees? The $1 price tag touted in campaign season later emerged as a monthly tab and other expenses totaling $287,371.97. 

When Plaintalker asked a while back to see the Inspections folder on 400 East Front Street, it was supposed to be in the Corporation Counsel's office. It was actually not in City Hall at all, but in an attorney's office elsewhere.  The issue was how many condos were sold and occupied, as the city was only getting minimal taxes on the others. At some point, unsold condos became rental, or "lease-to-buy"  units, further complicating the situation.

Later the governing body was told the $2,750 monthly condo fee for the senior center could be paid out of a bond issued to build a center before developer Glen Fishman built it "at no cost" in exchange for the right to build 63 condos above the center. 

So was the matter settled or does the city still owe any money to the developer?  

The building also includes a Veterans Center. PMUA Commissioner Alex Toliver is promoting a big welcome back for Afghanistan and Iraqi war vets at this year's July 4th celebration, but can we get a bottom line on when vets can use the Veterans Center and who will pay that condo fee (1 percent of maintenance costs for the common areas of the property)? 

There will either be a new corporation counsel for the last 18 months of the mayor's current term or maybe six 90-day acting stints. Anybody with outstanding questions on unresolved city legal matters better giddyup and get them answered soon.



  1. oh Bernice... there is so much time before the next election it really doesn't matter does it? Plenty of time to sweep this any other important issue under the rug in the name of party unity...
    It's all Obama in 2012... not Plainfield taxpayer's money. Silly goose!

  2. The Monarch, good name for such a large boondoggle, is another reason not to let Sharon in office again. We really got taken to the cleaners on this one. If our mayor is such a friend of veterans, and many have told me that they don't believe that, why is the veterans' center still up in the air? Too many unanswered questions, too much uncertainty for the citizens of Plainfield.

  3. You read my mind, Bernice. I am preparing a list of questions on a number of outstanding items. If anyone has additional questions to add, email me at:

    rebecca.williams @


    P.S. to Rob--I am not willing to let anything get swept under the rug--there are too many issues--PMUA, Muhlenberg, transit-oriented development, crime, road projects, the budget, contracts--to do so. In addition, what Bernice mentioned about the senior center remains an important issue. Thursday's budget meeting will be held at the Senior Center at 7:00 pm, so residents should come out.

  4. A monthly condo fee is legit, the question is exactly how the fee is broken down and how does it compare with the charges other condo owners have. Also since the units seem to have become rentals what impact is that on the overall condo charges versus what the property owner is paying monthly.
    I don 't believe that we will ever get an answer

  5. Even if we pay a condo fee, aren't we still paying rent? What's the advantage of renting and limiting our liability? This seems confusing. Nothing was said about condo fees before and are these monthly condo fees cheaper than renting? Things are seldom what they seem in this city.

  6. PMUA is the Devil

  7. Bob, I believe that the agreement of transferring the property to the developer include the "gift" of the Senior Citizens and Veterans centers with no purchase price. The Senior Center was to be treated as a a condo with all its responsibilities to the corporation. I do not know where the terms of that agreement are.THe Senior Center is owned City property and can be treated as such within the condo agreement.

  8. Rebecca... I appreciate your comment..sincerely.
    It's a shame some of your more vocal "NEW" Democrats on the City Council weren't willing to stand up and be as vocal as you about what's right and wrong instead of instead of cowering like a beaten dog come election time. It's a pleasure seeing someone on city council with the NEW DEMOCRATS who believes they take their marching orders from the constituents...Although I am more than sure President Obama will personally send his thanks to Adrian, Cory and Dan Damon for swallowing their ethics in the last election "FOR THE PARTY".

    1. I hesitated to post this because it is harsh and divisive, but it's your opinion.

    2. My opinion yes.. Harsh..Maybe... Divisive??? No....
