Monday is May Day! Do your Maypole dancing, marching for workers' and immigrants' rights and anti-war demonstrations early, so you can come to the City Council meeting.

A May Basket for you!
Among items of interest at the council meeting, the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee will present recommendations for the 2017 municipal budget,The agenda-fixing session starts at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Ave. (according to the first page - inside pages list Municipal Court, 325 Watchung Ave. as the address). The regular meeting, at which agenda items will be voted on, is 8 p.m. May 8 in Municipal Court.
I was pleased to see that two young people, Daionna Taylor and Khahriyyah Muhammad, have applied to serve on the Plainfield Youth Commission. There are two youth commissions established when Linda Carter was on the City Council, but they have lacked members for a long time. The city needs a youth perspective, so we wish them the best and hope they get some others to join.
There are numerous applications for events, late Spring through Fall, promising fun and education for all.
Under Administration & Finance, one item concerns a proposed feasibility study "for the preservation and rehabilitation of the historic Firehouse No. 4.
The Department of Public Works & Urban Development section includes resolutions for roadwork, a contractor for the long-awaited skate park on Madison Avenue, continuation of the Sign & Facade Program, three resolutions to accept grants for hazardous discharge remediation, a new redevelopment investigation in the West End and a resolution regarding possible redevelopment of the Enterprise Zone.
See the entire agenda here.
It's good to see Plainfield is moving forward. The "skate park" is long overdue and I hope we can get others near the County Parks. Great job!
ReplyDeleteBob Bolmer