Tuesday, March 29, 2016

School Budget Meeting Tonight

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I began a school budget story but upon checking tonight's agenda again since the weekend, I see it starts on Page 5 and refers to a public hearing that already took place. In addition, the local tax levy and total budget numbers have changed. The "public hearing" advertised on March 19 for 8 p.m. March 29 was later advertised for 7:15 p.m. in the PHS auditorium.

I don't know what to say except go early and pay close attention.

For what it's worth, here below is the now-defunct story. It may be of interest to learn about the "fair share" goal if you haven't heard of it before.

A large legal notice published on March 19 stated the anticipated local school tax levy for 2016-17 as $23,606,150, up from $23,143,293 in 2015-16 and $22,731,000 in 2014-15. The total budget proposed for 2016-17 is $186, 511,039.

If $22.7 million sounds like a lot, consider what our neighbors to the east in the Scotch Plains-Fanwood district must come up with out of local taxes: $84,222,883 in support of a total budget of $88,729,645.

It was this type of imbalance that prompted an increase in Plainfield's local tax levy in 2008. City taxpayers had previously paid the same amount toward the school budget for about 16 years. The state began mandating a 4 percent annual increase in the local tax levy in 2008-09, with the goal of eventually reaching a $33 million "fair share" goal. As you can see, that amount is still a long way off.

While asking Plainfield to pay more, the state has also increased its contribution year over year. Last year's total state aid was $122,397,680 and for 2016-17 it is projected to be $125,604,776.

I wish there was an easier way for the public to take part in the school budget process. There was a presentation for the public on March 10. Years ago there was a Citizens' School Budget Advisory Committee that took part in the process.

Anyway, the March 19 legal notice said the public hearing on the 2016-17 budget was at 8 p.m., but a later teensy-tiny notice said it was 7:15 p.m. Tuesday (March 29) in the PHS auditorium. I saw an agenda over the weekend that was different from the one up right now (midnight), which starts on Page 5 and says $2,620,000 was added to the budget "at the public hearing."



  1. This is typical of this current board. The games, lack of transparency and respect we’ve received from this board for the last 14 years is unacceptable. They get away with it because no one is watching and no one holds them accountable. If ever there was a time for change,it’s now.

    Bernice, I get that our neighbors get less in state funding and tax payers foot the majority of the bill. I also realize their schools far exceed Plainfield’s in testing, curriculum and everything else. And guess what, they do it with half the size of Plainfield’s budget.

  2. Find me one failed educational system that is not run by the Democratic Party for decades and I will eat my hat.

    1. Start eating because the Plainfield school system is run by Republicans.

    2. Wilma certainly doesn't want public involvement because she rudely shut down public comments when they did the preliminary budget presentation. That's when she announced the public could speak at the March 29th meeting for the final budget. If she doesn't respect the voters/parents/residents while in office why would you vote for her? But people will blindly vote for her anyway.
