Tuesday, May 9, 2017

See the CBAC Report

The 2017 Citizens' Budget Advisory Committee report
is online. Click the link to view.


  1. CBAC’s conclusion: “With confidence, the CBAC declares that all Municipal Departments are using their appropriated funds to better the City of Plainfield and her residents efficiently. Department heads, in concert with the City’s Executive and Administration, have made every effort to stretch the taxpayers’ dollars to the utmost degree without sacrificing the quality of their work, and to great effect: in fiscal year 2016, nearly all of the goals set by departments were either reached or surpassed. The remaining goals not yet achieved are minimal.”

    Come on…… reading this you would think the streets were made of gold and everyone had a house with a white picket fence. If nearly all goals were either reached or surpassed then the goals must have been set really low. No one living or has lived in Plainfield would ever honestly say “all Departments are operating efficiency and with great effect”. The Department Heads, who work hard everyday, wouldn't even say that.

    I am not trying to chastise the current state of Plainfield but requesting a reality check on such a glowing CBAC report. There is a fine line between praising the administration and idolizing it. You cannot tell me CBAC members (regardless of their affiliation with the current administration) had no significant recommendations for the city other than “Keep up the good work” or “The city is already doing its best”. As a former CBAC member, I felt compelled to comment.

    Richard Stewart

    1. Richard - that isn't what it implies all. It would appear that you are as in touch from out of town as you were when you lived here.

    2. Anon at 3:35. More persuasive if you told readers what you think the laudatory and uncritical CBAC report implies because right now Mr. Stewart's opinion is substantiated and your contrary opinion is not.
