Each of the city's six residential historic districts - Hillside, Van Wyck Brooks, Broadway, Netherwood Heights, Putnam-Watchung and Crescent Area - are meant to have associations to uphold the goals of the city's Historic Preservation Ordinance, in conjunction with the Historic Preservation Commission. Associations also help publicize the city's rich architectural heritage with house tours and other events that draw visitors from all over, another reason to keep them strong.

But as people come and go, associations may weaken or disband. Another goal in reviving the Hillside group was to use social media both to foster camaraderie and to keep up communication. There is now a Facebook page, a Hillside Avenue District website and a district email account. The group also initiated dialogue with city officials, which is ongoing and helped with projects such as new street and stop signs and the first-ever 4-way stops. High public interest led to city establishment of other 4-way stops at dangerous intersections.
As association president, Peter Price reported all the innovations at the Jan. 17 meeting, including improved street lighting and deer crossing signs.
Price was re-elected to serve as president for 2016, along with Dawn Jenkin as vice president, Nathan Vaughn as treasurer and Mike Seganish as secretary.
City Council President Cory Storch, who represents the Second Ward, commended the group for its work and gave updates on city redevelopment, code enforcement and road repair plans. HPC Chairman Bill Michelson and Vice Chairman Larry Quirk conveyed the commission's delight at having the district active again and said the HPC is is working with homeowners in historic districts to provide help and guidance on rails, stairs and fences.(See the HPC's complete Design Guidelines here.)
Two district homes will be featured venues for special events later in 2016.
In September, the Plainfield Symphony 97th Season Gala will be held at the Price home, 966 Hillside Ave.
In October, the Friends of the Plainfield Library Wine Tasting will be held at the Vaughn home, 999 Hillside Ave.. (Photos provided by Peter Price.)
A note on the Watchung and Kensington stop sign... be careful... that new sign is SOOOOOOOOOO poorly highlighted that people drive straight through it on Watchung. There should be reflective markers, red flags etc all over that spot. When crossing over Watchung on Kensington I've learned to not go unless there are NO cars approaching on Watchung Avenue.
ReplyDeleteAwful place for a 4 way stop. An accident waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteDear Bernice. Thank you for covering this on your Blog and for your wonderful service of delivering the news to our community. You do us all an incredible public service. Also thank you for helping us get the word out about the Hillside Avenue Historic District. 2015 was truly a "building year" for us and we look forward to more progress in 2016. Best always. Peter
ReplyDeleteExcited to see HAHD up and running.