At present, Damon follows the Plainfield blogroll, which has burgeoned to 20 or more posters on varied subjects. He also posts what appear to be Plainfield items gathered by a web crawler, which sometimes results on those originating in out-of-state places named Plainfield.
While CLIPS is valued by many, the frequency of posting by bloggers results in situations such as Saturday's nearly page-long roster, two-thirds of which were stale. Only a handful of bloggers post daily.

Of course, if you have bookmarked your favorites and know they generally post daily, you have your own virtual blogroll.
The addition of the Plainfield InJersey site does not include news from other legacy print media, as Damon points out, but on the other hand, only the Courier News consistently reports on Plainfield news.
There are still other changes and innovations in news delivery. Sometimes clicking on a newspaper story link yields only a one- or two-sentence teaser. Maybe that's all one needs if checking a Blackberry or other device: "Two shot in Plainfield. More later."
I for one am looking forward to Mark Spivey's new Courier News microsite venture, even though my news reporting on the blog sometimes parallels for free what I might have gotten paid for if still freelancing for the newspaper.
In my opinion, the main factor in evaluating all these news sources is how factual and reliable they are in order to advance the average citizen's understanding of civic events and issues. Empowering the citizens with relevant information is always my goal (with the occasional foray into cat, garden or praying mantis news).
This is the only place where I get praying mantis news, Bernice--keep it coming!
What is the link to Saul's site? And I agree, Bernice - you are a priceless part of my morning coffee!
ReplyDeleteTo McBluEyes,
ReplyDeleteHere is the link:
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Are you secretly in love with Dan? (tongue in cheek)