Overgrown shrubbery that conceals this porch from the public eye is fostering various kinds of mischief. Most recently, a man could be seen ducking up and down. Turned out he was trying on clothes apparently filched from the Salvation Army drop-off. Finally pleased with a jeans selection, he zipped up and came down the steps with a bag still in hand. Contents of another bag were strewn across the City Hall lawn and some shoes were on the sidewalk.

Rejected clothes are tossed around the porch. While this person was obviously in need, the clothing collection is intended for others in need. The castoffs here are now dirty and spoiled.

Several city churches used to advertise free "closets" where those in need could browse and select garments, whether for business attire or just to be adequately clothed. On my way to City Hall, I am seeing more and more piles of clothes recently. Perhaps churches that offer clothing could make a bilingual outreach to avoid the kind of wastage pictured above.
I brought this porch situation to the attention of an official who told me the owner of the building was aware of the issue of its improper use and wanted to solve it. Getting those bushes cut back would be a start.
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