Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Williamson Gets BOE Consultancy

A rather scurrilous and unprintable comment led me to check on the allegation made. Well, a check of the Sept. 22 Board of Education (not Broad of Education as the writer styled it) turned up this interesting item:

Consultant – Human Resources Department 
The Superintendent of Schools, recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Public Schools has identified a need for a consultant in the Human Resources Department, and WHEREAS, the Plainfield Public Schools approves payment to Daniel Williamson to oversee the Human Resources Department beginning September 21, 2015 until December 31, 2015, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves payment to Daniel Williamson in the amount of $78.80 per hour not exceed $35,000. 

Williamson has previously served as corporation counsel to the City of Plainfield and executive director of the Plainfield Municipal Utilities Authority. During the great churn in the Robinson-Briggs administration, he also served a brief stint as city administrator, as did the former mayor.




  2. Come on Superintendent Belin-Pyles can you please explain the need to create this position on the backs of our children. WOW

    1. Because she was told by John and Wilma Campbell. The Campbell's haven't did anything to improve the school system, now they want their son on the council.

  3. I was wondering where Dan was going to surface

  4. Such obvious, blatant corruption.

    Boy that bed is getting crowded!

  5. So what the board gave Dan Williamson a job. The Mayor gave John Stewart a job making over $80,000.00 and nothing is being said about that. This town is ass backwards

    1. Apples and Oranges.

    2. John Stewart was hired to fill a position that existed under Sharon and before her. He has responsibilities. This job is a created job. Big difference.

    3. Can you tell me what Dan knows about HR? I can tell you - nothing!

    4. No Mayor before had a chief of staff. John got the job because he did the Mayor a big $$$$ favor,and wants to get first hand control along with critella do real estate deals. He tries to ack like a big shot around City Hall.He is a waste of tax payers money.

    5. Mayor Mark A. Fury had a "chief of staff." The City Council also approved the title unanimously in November 2013.

  6. Good Lord. There are a bunch of people that are just unable to get a job outside of this town. This is just ridiculous. It is another reason to question the Senior Campbell's and sadly a reason to not trust Baby Campbell. If he had a personality or a position of his own it would be different - but he is under their spell and they are up to something.

    1. Yes they are. You can believe it's not anything good to benefit the kids or Plainfield. They are extremely selfish and shelf servering. But hey, we keep voting for them and their muppets.

  7. Hmmm, maybe I can get a job as Williamson's Chief of BOE HR security.

    You think?

  8. and David Rutherford posted how the state was ripping off Plainfield and putting the screws to the children in the Plainfield School system... seems he should be worried about the foxes in his own hen house
