Thursday, June 16, 2016

Official Primary Results

Official results have been posted
for the June 7 Primary Election

City Council City-wide at-large

Rebecca Williams   3,127
Tracey Brown         2,993

City Council Third Ward

Charles McRae      1,016
Alma Blanco             718


  1. This city is very divided.

    1. True but the city doesn’t have to be divided. I’m hoping that Brown, Blanco and union county dem chairmen Greens’ plans are to get behind Williams and McCrea as the democratic nominees and push to get them elected in November?

    2. Don't count on Jerry Green getting behind anyone or anything that doesn't benefit him or increase his power. His behavior has proven this personality train over and over again. He will even go against his party to get his way.

  2. This city is misinformed. Unfortunately we have a good number of citizens who take the word of people they've known and therefore trust rather than research and critically think for themselves. On the whole we are a great representation of our country's current climate.

  3. People hate to lose power. The power people in Plainfield have done nothing for the past 30 years to make this city better, they have only concentrated on holding on to their power to benefit themselves, their families and their friends.

    This city is moving forward, with new businesses, which brings in revenue, which hopefully will reduce taxes. This city will be even more diverse than it is now, which is one of Plainfield's best attributes.

    There is room for all, and all are welcome here. Let's work toward that goal, and not toward holding on to self-serving power.

    1. Who are you kidding, the city is not getting any better just over populated.

    2. And what group would you like to blame on the overpopulation? This city is doing fine and great without Jerry and Sharon messing things up to get more power, more money and selling the people of Plainfield out. Good riddance to them. If you're not working to help the city, then stay out of the way of those who do.

    3. Your opinion 10:51 AM which is negative. My take - If over population means that there are more people buying homes and renting, more businesses then need to open to meet the growing population need, more people to share the tax burden, and more people to meet and become friends. Well.....I kinda like that. Bring on the overpopulation!!!!
